All Are Welcome No Theatrical Experience Necessary

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I already overheard some of the Drama Club members—the ones who have been busy rehearsing for Hair—looking around all darkly under their eyebrow piercings and going, “Braid!? What’s Braid!? I never heard of a show called Braid! Is it a new Andrew Lloyd Webber? Is it about Rapunzel?”

They are furious that someone is putting on a theatrical production—especially one that seems to involve hair—that might draw away THEIR audience.

And I can’t say I blame them.

But I am not about to volunteer the information that my GRANDMOTHER is the someone they’re all looking for. I mean, Amber Cheeseman is not the only person in this school who knows how to kill with a single blow of the heel of her hand. Some of those drama people…they know how to use swords and stuff. Like, in FENCING.

I do NOT need any rapiers to my heart, thanks very much.

Don’t even get me started on nunchucks.

What can Grandmère be thinking? What is Braid!?

And why can’t she ever just stay OUT OF MY LIFE??? It’s not like I don’t have ENOUGH problems, thank you very much. I mean, just this morning, when I went into Rocky’s bedroom to kiss him good-bye before I left for school, he pointed at me all happily and shrieked, “Tuck!”

Yes. My brother thinks I’m a truck.


Thursday, March 4, U.S. Economics

Okay, so paying attention now:

The focus of economics is to understand the problem of scarcity. How do we fulfill the unlimited wants of humankind with the limited and/or scarce resources available?

This is called utility—the advantage or fulfillment a person receives from consuming a good or service.

The more the person or government consumes, the larger the total utility will be.

So Grandmère’s utility must be the biggest in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD.

Thursday, March 4, English

Oh my God. Lana knows.

I don’t know how she found out, but she knows. I know she knows because she came up to me in the hallway and went, “I know.”


And she said it all knowingly. You know?

The thing is…I don’t know WHAT she knows. Does she know Grandmère is the one behind the rival show?

Or does she know about how I blew all the seniors’ money?

Or does she know about—gasp!—my fear that Michael is going to find out I’m not a party girl?

But how COULD she? I have confided this fear to no one—no one except Tina Hakim Baba, and telling her a secret is like telling it to a wall. She’d NEVER tell.

Especially not to LANA.

Still, whatever it is Lana knows, she says she won’t tell…

…but only if I meet her demands.