Gray sweater or sweater vest

Blue-and-gold plaid skirt or gray flannel trousers

Gray flannel trousers

Blue or white knee-highs or blue or black tights or nude-colored pantyhose

Blue or black socks

Blue-and-gold plaid tie


-gold plaid tie

Navy blue jacket

Navy blue jacket

Please note that the wearing of shorts—including regulation gym shorts or athletic team uniform shorts—beneath skirts is prohibited.

Remember, classes commence the day after Labor Day, Tuesday, September 8, at 7:55 A.M. As always, tardiness will not be tolerated.

Welcome back!

Principal Gupta

Monday, September 7, Labor Day

WOMYNRULE: Did you SEE it??? Did you get that hypocritical piece of garbage she sent out last week? Just who does she think she’s kidding with that? You so know that that part about ritualistic chanting was directed at ME. Just because I organized a few student rallies last year. Well, we’re going to show her. She might think she can stifle the voice of the people, but the student body of Albert Einstein High is NOT going to be intimidated.

FTLOUIE: Lilly, I—

WOMYNRULE: Did you see that part about the surveillance cameras???? Have you ever HEARD of anything so fascist? Well, she can install all the surveillance cameras she wants, but that’s not going to stop ME. It’s just another example of how she’s slowly turning this school into her own academic dictatorship. You know they used surveillance cameras in Communist Russia to keep the proletariat in line. I wonder what she’ll bring in next. Ex-KGB militia, perhaps, as hall monitors? I so wouldn’t put it past her. This is a total invasion of our right to privacy. That’s why this year, POG, we’re taking matters into our own hands. I have a plan—


WOMYNRULE: —that will totally undermine her attempts to strip us of our sense of selves and bend us to her will. Best of all, it’s in complete compliance with school ordinances. When we’re through, Mia, she won’t even know what hit her.

FTLOUIE: LILLY!!! I thought the whole point of Instant Messaging was so that we could TALK.

WOMYNRULE: Isn’t that what we’re doing?

FTLOUIE: YOU are. I’m TRYING to. But you keep interrupting.

WOMYNRULE: Fine. Then go ahead. What do you want to say?

FTLOUIE: I can’t remember now. You made me forget. Oh, here’s one thing: Stop calling me POG!

WOMYNRULE: SORRY. God. You know, ever since that little brother of yours was born, you have gotten way…sensitive.

FTLOUIE: Excuse me. I have ALWAYS been sensitive.

WOMYNRULE: You can say that again, BL. Don’t you want to hear my plan?

FTLOUIE: I guess so. Wait a minute. What’s BL?

WOMYNRULE: You know.