
While it is not the policy of this paper to print anonymous submissions, the following poem so neatly sums up what so many of us are feeling this time of year that we decided to run it anyway.—Ed

Spring Fever

by Anonymous

Sneaking away during lunch—Taco salad, the kind with the meat in it, and the Green Goddess dressing God, why do they do that to us? We find that Central Park beckons—Green grass and daffodils pushing their way out from underneath a blanket of cigarette butts and crumpled soda cans. So we make a run for it Did they see us? I don’t think so. Can we get In-School suspension for a first offense? I guess anything is possible. Let’s sit on the bench and try to get a tan…. Only to find, to our dismay, that we’ve left our sunglasses back in our lockers.

Please note: It is the policy of this administration to suspend any and all students who leave campus during school hours for WHATEVER REASON. Spring fever is not an acceptable excuse for violating this school policy.

Student Injured by Globe

by Melanie Greenbaum

An AEHS student suffered an in-class injury yesterday due to a large globe that fell and/or was dropped upon his head. If it was the latter, this reporter feels it necessary to ask: Where was the adult supervision at the time said globe was dropped? And if it was the former, why is this administration allowing dangerous objects such as globes to be placed at heights from which they might fall and cause injury to our students? This reporter demands a thorough investigation.

Letters to the Editor:

To Whom it May Concern:

The amount of malaise evidenced by the student body of this establishment is a personal embarrassment to me and a disgrace to our generation. While the students of Albert Einstein High School sit around, planning their senior prom and whining about their finals, people in Nepal are DYING. Yes, DYING. Maoist uprisings in Nepal have intensified over the past few years, and clashes continue between the rebels and the military, making it impossible for many Nepalese to make even a meager living.

But what is our government doing to help the starving people of Nepal? Nothing more than advising tourists to stay away. People, the Nepalese make their living from tourists who come to climb Mount Everest. Please do not listen to our government’s warnings to avoid Nepal. Encourage your parents to allow you to vacation there this summer—you’ll be glad you did.

—Lilly Moscovitz

Take out your own personal ad! Available to AEHS students at 50 cents/line

Happy ads

From CF to GD: YES!!!!!!!!!!!

JR, I am SO excited about the prom, I can’t STAND it, we are going to have SO MUCH FUN. I feel SO SORRY for the rejects who aren’t going to the prom. Isn’t that just too bad for them? They’ll be sitting around at home while you and I are DANCING THE NIGHT AWAY! I love you SOOOOOOOO much. —LW

LW, Right back atcha, babe.—JR


Shop at Ho’s Deli for all your school supply needs! New this week: PAPER, BINDER CLIPS, TAPE. Also Yu-Gi-Oh! cards/Slimfast

Personal from BP to LM—

I’m sorry for what I did, but I want you to know that I still love you. PLEASE meet me by my locker after school today and allow me to express my devotion to you. Lilly, you are my muse. Without you, the music is gone. Please don’t let our love die this way.

For Sale: one Fender precision bass, baby blue, never been played. With amp, how-to videos. Best offer. Locker #345

Looking for Love: female Frosh, loves romance/reading, wants older boy who enjoys same. Must be taller than 5' 8", no mean people, non-smokers only, musician preferred, NO METALHEADS, nice hands a must.

E-mail: [email protected]

AEHS Food Court Menu

compiled by Mia Thermopolis


Spicy Chix, Meatball Sub, Fr. Bread Pizza, Potato Bar, Fish Fingers