Damn! I wish she were. Lilly, I mean. Because then I might be able to forgive her. For calling me weak, I mean.

But as she has no disorder, there is no excuse for the way she’s treated me.

I have to admit, I’m a little sad I don’t have Asperger’s. Because now my obsession with the prom is just that: my obsession with the prom. And not a symptom of a disorder over which I have no control.

Just my luck!

Wednesday, May 7, 3:30 a.m.

I realize now what I am going to have to do. I mean, I think I knew it all along, and I was just blocking it. Which isn’t surprising, considering that every fiber of my being is crying out against it.

But really, what choice do I have? Michael himself even said it: He’d go to the prom if the guys from his band were going, too.

Oh God, I can’t believe it has come to this. My life really IS going down the toilet if this is the low to which I am forced to stoop.

I’ll never be able to get to sleep now. I just know it. I am too filled with dread.


The Official Student-Run Newspaper of Albert Einstein High School

Take Pride in the AEHS Lions

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Week of May 12

Volume 45/Issue 18

Notice to all Students:

As we enter final exams in the next few weeks, school administrators would like us to review the AEHS mission statement and beliefs:

Mission Statement

It is Albert Einstein High School’s mission to provide students with learning experiences that are technologically relevant, globally oriented, and personally challenging.


1. The school must provide a diverse curriculum that includes a strong academic program enhanced by numerous electives.

2. A well-supported and diverse extracurricular program is an essential supplement to the academic program in helping students explore a wide range of interests and abilities.

3. Students must be encouraged to develop responsible behavior and accountability for their actions.

4. Tolerance and understanding of different cultures and viewpoints must be encouraged at all times.

5. Cheating or plagiarism will not be condoned in any form, and can lead to suspension or expulsion.

The administration would like the student body to be aware that in the coming exam period, it intends to enforce #5 with vigilance. Forewarned is forearmed.

Incident at Les Hautes Manger

by Mia Thermopolis

Having been asked by this paper to provide an account of what occurred last week at the restaurant Les Hautes Manger, at which this reporter was present, it must be noted that the entire thing was the fault of this reporter’s grandmother, who smuggled her dog into the restaurant, and whose ill-timed break for freedom caused busboy Jangbu Panasa to drop a soup-laden tray onto the dowager princess of Genovia’s person.

The consequent dismissal of Jangbu Panasa was both unfair and possibly unconstitutional. Though this reporter isn’t sure, due to her lack of familiarity with said constitution. It is this reporter’s feeling that Mr. Panasa should be given his job back. The End.