Well, gtg. My mom wants me to put the dishes away.


P.S. Jangbu did the sweetest thing after the press conference tonight: He bought me a silk rose from a booth on Canal Street. Soooo romantic. Boris never did stuff like that.


I have to admit: I was shocked. Shocked by Lilly’s cavalier dismissal of poor Boris’s pain. Shocked by her whazzap and her reference to the original Star Trek… Lilly herself would have called it passé, especially since she is usually so on the cutting edge of pop culture. And REALLY shocked at her implication that all musicians are psychos. I mean, hello! Her brother Michael, MY BOYFRIEND, is a mu

sician! And yes, we certainly have our problems, but not because he is in any way a psycho. In fact, if anything, my problems with Michael have to do with the fact that he, as a Capricorn, has his feet planted TOO firmly on the ground, whereas I, a free-wheeling Taurus, want to bring a little more fun into our relationship.

I wrote back to her right away. I will admit I was so angry, my hands were shaking as I typed.

FTLOUIE: Lilly, it might interest you to know that Boris had to get two stitches AND a tetanus shot because of what happened in G and T today. Furthermore, he might even have a concussion. Perhaps you could tear yourself away from your tireless work on behalf of Jangbu, a guy YOU ONLY MET THREE DAYS AGO, and spare a little sympathy for your ex, whom you dated for EIGHT WHOLE MONTHS.


Lilly’s response was almost instantaneous.

WOMYNRULE: Excuse me, P.O.G., but I can’t say I really appreciate your condescending tone.Kindly don’t pull your Royal Highness act on me. I’m sorry if you don’t happen to like Jangbu or the work I am doing to help him and people like him. However, that does not mean I need to be held hostage to my old relationship by the juvenile theatrics of a self-delusional narcissist like Boris. I did not make him pick up that globe and drop it on his head. He made that choice all on his own. I would think you, as a faithful viewer of the Lifetime Movie Channel for Women, would recognize manipulative behavior like Boris’s as classic stalker stuff.

But then, maybe if you stopped watching so many movies, and actually tried living life for a change, you might recognize this. You also might be writing something a little bit more challenging for the school paper than the cafeteria beat.

I could tell she was feeling guilty over what she’d done to Boris by how thoroughly she attacked him. That I could ignore. But her attack on my writing could not go unnoticed. I immediately fired back with:

FTLOUIE:Yeah, well, I may watch a lot of movies, but at least I don’t go around with my face glued to a camera lens, the way you do. I prefer to WATCH movies than invent drama FOR the movies. Furthermore, I will have you know that Leslie Cho asked me to cover a hard news story for the paper just the other day.

This is what I got in reply.

WOMYNRULE: Yeah, a story *I* made possible. You are so weak. Go back to pining over the fact that you have to spend your summer in a palace in Genovia (wah-wah-wah) and that my brother doesn’t want to go to the prom with you, and leave the REAL problem solving to people like me, who are better equipped intellectually to handle it.

Well, that’s the last straw. Lilly Moscovitz is no longer my best friend. I have taken all the abuse I can stand. I am thinking about writing back to her to tell her that.

But maybe that would be too childish, and not INTELLECTUAL enough.

Maybe I’ll just ask Tina if she’ll be my best friend from now on.

But no, that would be too childish, too. I mean, it’s not like we’re in third grade anymore. We’re practically women, like my mom said. Women like my mom don’t go around declaring who their best friend is and who isn’t. They just sort of… know. Without saying anything about it. I don’t know how, but they do. Maybe it is an estrogen thing, or something.

Oh, my God, I have such a headache.

Monday, May 5, 11 p.m.

I almost burst into tears just now when I checked my e-mail one last time before bed. That’s because this is what I found there.

LINUXRULZ: Mia, are you sure you aren’t mad at me about something? Because you hardly said three words to me all day. Except during the whole Boris thing. Did I do something wrong?

Then another one, a second later:

LINUXRULZ: Never mind that last e-mail. It was stupid. I know if I’d done something to upset you, you’d have told me. Because that’s the kind of girl you are. That’s one of the reasons we’re so good together. Because we can tell each other anything.


LINUXRULZ: It’s not that thing from your party, is it? You know, where I wouldn’t beat up Jangbu for making out with my sister? Because getting involved in my sister’s love life is never a good idea, as you might have noticed.


LINUXRULZ: Well, whatever. Good night. And I love you.