Einstein Lions, we’re for you

Let’s win this game!

Please note that at this year’s graduation ceremony, any student caught singing alternative (particularly explicit and/or suggestive) words to the AEHS School Song will be removed from the premises. Complaints that the AEHS School Song is too militaristic must be submitted in writing to the AEHS administrative office, not scrawled on bathroom door stalls or discussed on any student’s public access television program.

Letters to the Editor:

To Whom It May Concern:

Melanie Greenbaum’s article in last week’s issue of The Atom on the strides the women’s movement has made in the past three decades was laughably facile. Sexism is still alive and well, not only around the world, but in our own country. In Utah, for instance, polygamous marriages involving brides as young as 11 years of age are thriving, practiced by fundamentalist Mormons who continue to live by traditions their ancestors brought west in the mid-1800s. The number of people in polygamous families in Utah is estimated by human rights groups at perhaps as many as 50,000, despite the fact polygamy is not tolerated by the mainstream Mormon church, and the enactment of tough penalties in the case of underage brides that can sentence a polygamous husband or church leader arranging such a marriage to up to 15 years in prison.

I am not telling other cultures how to live, or anything. I am just saying take off the rose-colored glasses, Ms. Greenbaum, and write an article about some of the real problems that affect half the population of this planet. The staff of The Atom might well consider giving some of their other writers a chance to report on these issues, instead of relegating them to the cafeteria beat. —Lilly Moscovitz

Take out your own personal ad! Available to AEHS students at 50 cents/line

Happy ads

Happy Birthday, Reggie!

Sweet Sixteen At Last!

The Helens

Go to the prom with me, CF?

Please say yes. GD

Happy Birthday in advance, MT!

Love, Your Loyal Subjects

Personal to MK from MW:

My love for you

Like a flower grows

Where it will stop

No one knows.

Shop at Ho’s Deli for all your school supply needs! New this week: ERASERS, STAPLES, NOTEBOOKS, PENS. Also Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards/Slimfast in strawberry.

For Sale: one Fender precision bass, baby blue, never been played. With amp, how-to videos. $300. Locker #345

Looking for Love: female Frosh, loves romance/reading, wants older boy who enjoys same. Must be taller than 5' 8", no mean people, nonsmokers only. NO METAL-HEADS.

E-mail: [email protected]

Found: one pair glasses, wire frames, the Gifted and Talented classroom. Describe to claim. See Mrs. Hill.

Lost: spiral notebook in caf, on or about 4/27. Read and DIE! Reward for safe return. Locker #510

AEHS Food Court Menu

compiled by Mia Thermopolis
