Say you love me

too and then together we will rule.

And this time there was no question the song was about me, like there was that time Michael played me that “Tall Drink of Water” song he wrote!

Anyway, the whole school heard Michael’s song about me, because Skinner Box had their amps turned up so loud. Mrs. Hill and everybody else who was in the teachers’ lounge came out of it, waited politely for Skinner Box to finish the song, and then gave the whole band detention.

And okay, on Mademoiselle Klein’s birthday, Mr. Wheeton had a dozen red roses delivered to her in the middle of fifth period. But he didn’t write a song just for her and play it for the whole school to hear.

And yeah, Lana may be going to the prom, but her boyfriend—not to mention his friends—never got detention for her.

So really, except for the whole having-to-spend-July-and-August-in-Genovia thing—oh, and the prom thing—fifteen is looking pretty good so far.


Algebra: You would think my own stepfather would be nice and not give me homework on MY BIRTHDAY, but no

English: Iceman Cometh

Biology: Ice worm

Health and Safety: Check with Lilly

G & T: As if

French: Check with Tina

World Civ: God knows

Thursday, May 1, still My Birthday, the ladies’ room at Les Hautes Manger

Okay, this is so my best birthday ever.

I am serious. I mean, even my mom and dad are getting along with each other—or trying to, anyway. It is so sweet. I am so proud of them. You can totally tell my mom’s maternity hose are driving her crazy, but she isn’t complaining about them a bit, and Dad totally hasn’t said anything about the anarchy symbols she’s wearing as earrings. And Mr. Gianini put Grandmère right off her lecture about his goatee (Grandmère cannot abide facial hair on a man) by telling her that she looks younger and younger every time he sees her. Which you could tell pleased Grandmère no end, since she was smiling all through the appetizers (she can move her lips again now that the inflammation from her chemical peel has finally died down).

I was a little worried that Mr. G’s observation would cause my mom to go off on the beauty industry and how they are ageist and are constantly trying to propagate the myth that you can’t be attractive unless you have the dewy skin of someone my age (which doesn’t even make sense, since most people my age have zits unless they can afford a fancy dermatologist like the one Grandmère sends me to and who gives me all these prescription unguents so that I can prevent unprincesslike breakouts) but she totally refrained in my honor.

And when Michael showed up late on account of having been in detention, Grandmère didn’t say anything mean about it, which was such a relief, because Michael was kind of flushed, as if he’d run the whole way from his apartment after he’d gone home to change. I guess even Grandmère could tell he’d really tried to be on time.

And even someone who is totally immune to normal human emotion like Grandmère would have to admit that my boyfriend was the handsomest guy in the whole restaurant. Michael’s dark hair was sort of flopping over one eye, and he looked SO cute in his non–school-uniform jacket and tie, required by the mandatory dress code at Les Hautes Manger (I warned him ahead of time).

Anyway, Michae

l’s showing up was kind of the signal I guess for everyone to start handing me the presents they’d gotten me.

And what presents! I am telling you, I cleaned up. Being fifteen RULES!


Okay, so Dad got me a very fancy and expensive-feeling pen, to use, he said, to further my writing career (I am using it to write this very journal entry). Of course I would have rather had a season pass to Six Flags Great Adventure theme park for the summer (and permission to stay in this country to use it) but the pen is very nice, all purple and gold, and has HRH Princess Amelia Renaldo engraved on it.

MOM and MR. G

A cell phone!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!! Of my very own!!!!!!!!!

Sadly, the cell phone was accompanied by a lecture from Mom and Mr. G about how they’d only gotten it for me so that they can reach me when my mom goes into labor, since she wants me to be in the room (so not going to happen, due to my excessive dislike of seeing anything spurt out of anything else, but you don’t argue with a woman who has to pee twenty-four hours a day) while my baby brother or sister is being born, and how I’m not to use the phone during school and how it is a domestic-use-only calling plan, nothing transatlantic, so when I am in Genovia don’t think I can call Michael on it.

But I didn’t pay any attention, because YAY! I actually got something on my list!!!!!