But the way things have been going, I really, really need all the good luck I can get.

Thursday, January 22, Algebra


Have Genovian ambassador to the UN call the CIA. See if they can dispatch some agents to track down my underwear (if it falls into the wrong hands, there could be an international incident!).

Get cat food!!!!!

Check on Mom’s folic acid intake.

Tell Michael I will not be able to make first date with him.

Prepare to be dumped.

Defn: Square root of perfect sq is either of the identical factors.

Defn: Positive sq root is called the principle sq root. Negative numbers have no sq root.

Thursday, January 22, Health and Safety

Did you see that? They are meeting at Cosi for lunch!

Yes. He so loves her.

It’s so cute when teachers are in love.

So are you nervous about your breakfast meeting tomorrow?

Hardly. THEY are the ones who should be nervous.

Are you going all by yourself? Your mom and dad aren’t going with you, are they?

Please. I can handle a bunch of movie executives on my own, thanks. How can they keep stuffing this infantile swill down our throats, year after year? Don’t they think we know by now that tobacco kills? Hey, did you get all your homework done, or were you up all night IMing my brother instead?


You two are so cute, it makes me want to puke. Almost as cute as Mr. Wheeton and Mademoiselle Klein.

Shut up.

God, this is boring. Want to make another list?

Okay, you start.

LILLY MOSCOVITZ’S GUIDE TO WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT ON TV(with commentary by Mia Thermopolis)

7th Heaven

Lilly: A complex look at one family’s struggles to maintain christian mores in an ever-evolving, modern-day society. Fairly well acted and occasionally moving, this show can turn “preachy,” but does depict the problems facing normal families with surprising realism, and only occasionally sinks to the banal.

Mia: Even though the dad is a minister and everyone has to learn a lesson at the end of every episode, this show is pretty good. High point: When the Olsen twins guest starred. Low point: When the show’s cosmetologist gave the youngest girl straight hair.


Lilly: A ridiculous attempt to pander to the lowest common denominator, this show puts its young stars through a humiliatingly public “audition,” then zeroes in as the losers cry and winners gloat.

Mia: They take a bunch of attractive people who can sing and dance and make them audition for a place in a pop group, and some of them get it and some of them don’t, and the ones who do are instant celebrities who then crack up, all while wearing interesting and generally navel-baring outfits. How could this show be bad?