“Puppy love,” she says. “You’ll get over it soon enough.”

Um, I beg your pardon, Grandmère, but I so fully will not. I have loved Michael for approximately eight years, except perhaps for a brief two-week period of time when I thought I was in love with Josh Richter. Eight years is more than half my life. A deep and abiding passion such as this cannot be dismissed as easily as that, nor can it be defined by your pedestrian grasp of human emotion.

I didn’t say any of that out loud, though, on account of how Grandmère has those really sharp nails that she tends to “accidentally” poke people with.

Except that even though Michael really is my reason for living and my heart’s breath, I don’t think I’ll be decorating my Algebra notebook with hearts and flowers and curlicue Mrs. Michael Moscovitzes, the way Lana Weinberger decorated hers (only with Mrs. Josh Richter s, of course). Not only because doing stuff like that is completely lame and because I do not care to have my identity subjugated by taking my husband’s name, but also because as consort to the regent of Genovia, Michael will of course have to take my name. Not Thermopolis. Renaldo. Michael Renaldo. That looks kind of nice, now that I think about it.

Thirteen more days until I see the lights of New York and Michael’s dark brown eyes again. Please God, let me live that long.

HRH Michael Renaldo

M. Renaldo, prince consort

Michael Moscovitz Renaldo of Genovia

Seventeen days since I last saw Michael.

Wednesday, January 7

Royal Daily Schedule

All I have to say about today is that if these people WANT their infrastructure to be destroyed by gasguzzling sports utility vehicles driven by German tourists, that is entirely their prerogative. Who am I to try to stand in their way?

Oh, I’m sorry, just their PRINCESS.


Thursday, January 8

Royal Daily Schedule

8 a.m.–9 a.m.

Breakfast with ambassador to Spain

Still no ketchup!!!

9:30 a.m.–Noon

Final touch-ups to royal portrait

I am not allowed to see finished product until unveiling at Farewell Ball. Hope artist did not include large zit I have begun sprouting on chin. That could be kind of embarrassing.

12:30 p.m.–2 p.m.

Lunch with Genovian minister of finance

FINALLY! Someone who agrees with me on fiscal importance of parking meters. Minister of finance is the man !

Sadly, Grandmère still not convinced. And she, far more than Dad or Parliament, is the one with the most influence over public opinion.

2:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m.

More coaching on what is okay versus not okay to say to Prince William when I meet him


“I am very pleased to make your acquaintance.” —Okay