But no. I haven’t got a clue.

Tina says the only appropriate thing to get for a boy you have only been officially dating for less than four weeks is a sweater. And she says even that is pushing it, since Michael and I have not even been out on an official date yet—so technically, how can we be dating?

But a sweater ? I mean, that is so unromantic. That is the kind of thing I would get my dad—if he wasn’t so in need of anger management manuals, which is what I got for him for Christmas. I would get a sweater for my stepdad for sure.

But my boyfriend ?

I was kind of surprised Tina would suggest something so banal, as she is basically the resident romance expert of our little group. But Tina says the rules about what to give boys are actually very strict. Her mom told them to her. Tina’s mom used to be a model and international jet-setter who once dated a sultan, so I guess she would know. The rules for presents for guys, according to Mrs. Hakim Baba, go:

Length of Time Going Out:

Appropriate Gift:

1–4 months


5–8 months


9–12 months

Cigarette lighter*

1 year +


But this is better at least than Grandmère’s list of what is appropriate to give boyfriends, which she presented to me yesterday, as soon as I mentioned to her my horrible faux pas of missing Michael’s birthday. Her list goes:

Length of Time Going Out:

Appropriate Gift:

1–4 months


5–8 months


9–12 months


1 year +


Handkerchiefs? Who gives handkerchiefs anymore? Handkerchiefs are completely unhygienic!

And candy? For a guy ????

But Grandmère says the same rules apply for girls as for boys. Michael is not allowed to give me anything but candy or possibly flowers for my birthday, either!

Overall, I think I prefer Mrs. Hakim Baba’s list.