Intransitive: It was not long before he was very

sorry that he had said what he said.

Tuesday, December 9, Bio

Gifted and Talented was so not fun today. Not that Bio is any better, on account of the fact that I am stuck here next to Kenny, who seems to have calmed down a little since this morning.

Still, I really think that people who are not actually enrolled in certain classes have no business showing up in them.

For instance, just because Judith Gershner has study hall for fifth period is no reason that she should be allowed to hang around the Gifted and Talented classroom for fifty minutes during that period. She should never have been let out of study hall in the first place. I don’t think she even had a pass.

Not that I would turn her in, or anything. But this kind of flagrant rule-breaking really shouldn’t be encouraged. If Lilly is going to go through with this walkout thing, which she is still trying to garner support for, she should really add to her list of complaints the fact that the teachers in this school play favorites. I mean, just because a girl knows how to clone things doesn’t mean she should be allowed to roam the school freely any time she wants.

But there she was when I walked in, and there’s no doubt about it: Judith Gershner has a total crush on Michael. I don’t really know how he feels about her, but she was wearing tan-colored panty hose instead of the black cotton tights she normally wears, so you know something is up. No girl wears tan panty hose without a good reason.

And okay, so maybe they are working on their booth for the Winter Carnival, but that is no reason for Judith to drape her arm across the back of Michael’s chair like that. Plus he used to help me with my Algebra homework during G and T, but now he can’t, because Judith is monopolizing all his time. I would think he might resent the intrusion.

Plus Judith really has no business butting into my private conversations. She hardly even knows me.

But did that stop her from letting me know, when she overheard Lilly’s formal apology for not having believed me about Kenny’s weird phone call—any doubts about the veracity of which he managed to scat

ter today with his display of unbridled passion in the third floor hallway—that she feels sorry for him? Oh, no.

“Poor kid,” Judith said. “I heard what he said to you in the hallway. I was in the chem lab. What was it again? ‘I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way, Mia, I will always love you,’ or something like that?”

I didn’t say anything. That’s because I was busy picturing how Judith would look with a pencil sticking out of the middle of her forehead.

“It’s really sweet,” Judith said. “If you think about it. I mean, the guy’s clearly got it bad for you.”

This is the problem, see. Everyone thinks what Kenny did was so cute and everything. Nobody seems to understand that it wasn’t cute. It wasn’t cute at all. It was completely humiliating. I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed in my whole life.

And believe me, I’ve lived through more than my fair share of embarrassing incidents, especially since this whole princess thing started.

But I’m apparently the only person in this entire school who thinks what Kenny did was the least bit wrong.

“He’s obviously very in touch with his emotions.” Even Lilly was taking Kenny’s side in the whole thing. “Unlike some people.”

I have to say, this makes me so mad when I think about it, because the truth is, ever since I started writing things down in journals, I have gotten very in touch with my emotions. I usually know almost exactly how I feel.

The problem is, I just can’t tell anyone.

I don’t know who was the most surprised when Michael suddenly came to my defense against his sister—Lilly, Judith Gershner, or me.

“Just because Mia doesn’t go around shouting about how she feels in the third floor hallway,” Michael said, “doesn’t mean she isn’t in touch with her emotions.”

How does he do that? How is it that he is able to magically put into words exactly what I feel, but seem to have so much trouble saying? This, you see, is why I love him. I mean, how could I not?

“Yeah,” I said triumphantly.

“Well, you could have said something back to him.” Lilly always gets disgruntled when Michael comes to my rescue—especially when he does it while she is attacking me about the lack of honesty in my emotional life. “Instead of just leaving him hanging there.”

“And what,” I demanded—injudiciously, I now realize—“should I have said to him?”

“How about,” Lilly said, “that you love him back?”

WHY? That’s all I want to know. WHY was I cursed with a best friend who doesn’t understand that there are some things you just don’t say in front of EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE GIFTED AND TALENTED CLASSROOM, INCLUDING HER BROTHER????

The problem is, Lilly has never been embarrassed about anything in her life. She simply does not know the meaning of the word embarrassment.