“So, I have a plan here,” I confessed against her ear.

“Hmmm, thought so,” she purred. “What is this plan you have?”

I pulled back so she could see me. “My plan is to get us settled into our room first.” I tilted my head at her raised brow; sure she was thinking my motives were in the gutter. Well, they mostly were, but she didn’t need to know that, and I hide it well. “And then…how ’bout I take my gorgeous girl to dinner where I can sit across the table from her and drown in her exquisite beauty? What do you say?”

She laughed at me. “Okay, I say yes to that.”

“Are you laughing at me, Miss Morrison?”

“I believe I am, Captain McManus.” She nodded through more giggling, and then pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. “You have a touch of poet in you, I fear. Better you don’t let your troops know it.”

“And I thought my little speech was well done," I protested.

"Aww, you can talk like a poet to me any time you want to, babe." She blew me a smiling kiss.

I shook my head as we made our way inside to registration. I had Elaina happy and glowing on my arm, yes, but thinking about how I

had to leave her in a few short weeks—I had no idea on God’s green earth how I was ever going to manage to do it.

Blackstone’s sister, who told us to call her Hannah, put us in a lovely corner suite done in blue that overlooked the sea from its windows. The view of coastline and lavender fields was superb, but seriously underappreciated by my filthy mind. Yeah, the only view I cared about was one of Elaina in front of it. Naked. That was the view I wanted to gaze upon. The only one that mattered very much.

As I stared through the glass, I realized I had it bad.

Elaina was rustling around in the bathroom setting out her things while I pondered the anticipation of what was finally going to be a reality after so long a time of wanting her.

But, I wasn’t without some reserve over what we were about to do here in this beautiful stately house along the scenic Somerset coast. Elaina was an adult, but she was also considerably younger than me. Sometimes I felt guilty for wanting her when I probably should have picked a woman closer to my own age, but I’d learned a long time ago, that you don’t get to choose who you fall in love with. They chose you.

For me that person was a beautiful girl with cherry-coloured hair and dark blue eyes, and she alone held the sole key to my heart.

Just those few thoughts about her woke up my cock to the point where some discreet rearranging was required. Well then, we might really need the whole box of condoms I’d packed for us in my bag—

“Oh babe, you should see the view in here,” she called to me from the bathroom, interrupting my shag logistics for the time being. Thank bloody Christ. As I went to her I chastised myself for the trepidation I felt the need to hide, trying to get past the idea of what I’d be doing with her, and to her, as much as I possibly could in the limited time we had left.

Facts were facts. Elaina wanted me as much as I wanted her. Nobody here was underage, nor an innocent either. That fact bothered me and then it relieved me, too. I wasn’t the first man to be inside her but then I didn’t have to worry about deflowering a virgin either—something I’d never done, and had no desire to experience. No, I had my girl now, and she was all I wanted.

Elaina was an adult woman. We had the blessing of her family who knew she’d stayed at my place overnight a few times already. They had to suspect. So, why was I feeling like a horny teenager about to sneak a shag?

“Are you coming, babe?” she called out to me again.

Oh yeah, darlin’, I will be and so will you.

I stepped into the bathroom to find her plastered against a similar window with basically the same view I’d just been staring at, but Elaina’s was over a giant bathtub I hoped we got to enjoy together at some point.

Stepping up from behind, I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin on the top of her head. “Beautiful,” I said, inhaling the scent of her that had become my addiction.

“I know, it really is,” she said, bringing her hands up to tuck over where my arms intersected. I loved whenever Elaina touched me. And I soaked up every single touch she offered no matter how small or how fleeting. The unique feel of her hands reaching out to touch me meant something. Knowing she gave to me so freely also meant something, and I would cherish the memories of our time together when we were separated. It would get me through the rough patches. I hoped. I got a flash feeling of panic at the thought of leaving her behind in England once my R & R was up. Don’t think about it.

I turned her around and took her face in my hands. I held her to me, searching her questioning eyes and tracing over her beautiful features, memorizing every small detail of what made Elaina the most beautiful woman in the world to me.

“I wasn’t talking about the view,” I told her, before I took her mouth with mine.

I kissed her for a long time in front of that picture window. I cherished my girl until I was good and satisfied. Until I’d tasted her enough to let her go so I could make good on my promise to stare at her over dinner.

We were definitely a little late.

Elaina’s blush at the server when he came to seat us, and the looks of the other guests, probably guessing the reason behind our tardiness to dinner, caused all kinds of protective urges in me. One look at Elaina, and anyone could see from her flushed complexion and puffy lips from all the kissing, to get a pretty good idea about what we’d been up to.

I slid my hand possessively down to the small of her back and led her to her chair, seating her first, the way my gran had taught me. I wanted all those people to know she was mine. If I could’ve managed it without everyone believing I was a complete nutter, I would’ve made an announcement too. This beautiful girl is mine, people, and she loves me.