So…no dream.

All of those beautiful, wonderful things had happened…to me…last night—and were still happening to me right now. I was Sleeping Beauty awakened with a kiss from her prince. But my prince had done a lot more than kiss me last night. He'd claimed me in so many ways…and not only sexually. It had gone so much further in our hours together, and I was definitely a new woman this morning, feeling completely changed from how I'd lived before.

As I started to fall over the edge into another climax, James knew. He could tell when it was happening, and he ramped up the intensity of his tongue action to make it so good for me. So GOOD. For me. I seized onto the burning heat that blasted my core, then rode the waves that flowed through my extremities as his mouth made sweet love to my clit. James knew how to do everything so right. I love him.

After a time, I felt him moving me, my limbs slack as he pushed me into place, arranging my body how he wanted me—on my hands and knees with my ass in the air. I guessed how the sex was going to go this time. There had been a lot of sex with him last night. I lost track of the orgasms he forced on me. I wasn't complaining though, even if I wasn't at all used to so much pleasure. I could get used to it pretty quickly though, because the person I loved was giving it to me. I also knew now that he loved me too. He'd told me many, many times already. And all this time, I've had no clue how much he cared about me and for how long. Part of me mourned the time we could have had together. But the other part knew our waiting had a purpose, and that was okay. Now was good.

My prince of pleasure greeted my ass with an affectionate slap from to one of my butt cheeks. He used his hands at my hips roughly, jerking me backward to probe against my asshole with the wide head of his very hard cock. "Soon," he growled low, a single quiet word sending an uncontrollable shiver down the back of my neck. "I'll be taking this—and it'll feel so fuckin' good when I do, baby." I shuddered at the thought, wondering if "soon" meant in the next few minutes. I wasn't at all opposed to trying it for the first time. Saying no to anything James wanted wouldn't be something I'd be capable of.

I pushed back into him, the hard tip of his cock meeting my sensitive hole with a sharp sting that drew a sudden gasp out of me.

"Not right now. I don't have everything I need to do it right, and not hurt you. I need lube to take you here"—he pressed in with just the tip of his finger—"because my cock is big, and you'll be so tight when it's buried inside you, fucking your gorgeous ass."

Oh God, the things he said to me when we were deep into the sex made me wild. All I could envision was his beautiful, pierced cock wildly claiming my virgin ass and fucking me into another orgasmic meltdown. A girl could fantasize. James would keep his promise to me…I had no doubt.

He positioned himself and sank his cock hard into my pussy, instead, filling me so full I couldn't hold back the cry from my lips. I felt the metal balls of his piercing dragging along the walls of my sex, making my eyes roll back in my head. All I could do was take it from him as he pounded into me from behind—a wild, lusty beast with nothing on his mind than fucking me.

But then there was more.

Another thing James was good at was giving me more…which he did by wetting his thumb with the slickness at my core and pushing inside my ass with it.

"But right now, I'll do this," he said roughly, "and you can decide if you like me inside you this way." Penetrated by him in two places, his thumb acting like a barb to hold me steady for his thrusting cock, he told me how much he loved me while he used my body fiercely.

"Do you like me in your ass?" he grunted as he fucked. If there was any pain, I didn't feel it, because I was too far gone in the pleasure of being taken by James. Gone from this earth to somewhere else. "Answer me," he scolded with a yank to my hair fisted in his other hand.

"Yes…yes…yes…yes...I like it, James—everything you do…is what I like."

As my answer came, I felt him do the same. The hot flood of his orgasm filled me. And then his very beautiful words. Words I could never grow tired of hearing as they fell from his lips. "My Winter, I love you."

And so, falling under the spell of his dominating treatment was an easy thing for me. So easy to take his harsh kisses as he bestowed them. So easy to take the sting of his teeth as they claimed lips and breasts and shoulders. So easy to take the bite of fingers and hands as they held me down or moved me wherever he wanted me. So easy to take anything at all that he would give me.

So very easy to become addicted to being…his.

It was as though my body had been waiting for him. As though, despite or because of my lack of sexual history, my body and soul and mind had been primed, ready to accept everything about him. About us. He's wanted me for years as well, yet he never took any chances...until

now. And now? In his bed, in his house that he'd kept from everyone...

James was making up for all of the years we'd both had to wait to get here.

The second time I opened my eyes he was watching me, his expression one of peace and contentment as he lay on his side facing me. Neither of us spoke for a long time, instead we just looked into each other's eyes…thinking…probably about the same things—what we'd done together, the words we'd said to each other, and where we went from here.

James broke the spell first. "How is my woman this morning?" The adorable smirk added to his question just about killed me. The fact he was far too handsome for his own good, as well as naked in bed with me also probably helped shorten my lifespan. But I rationalized that I could still appreciate my good fortune in having such a magnificent man to call my own. I was fixated. James was my man now. Any other females out there who might want a piece of him could just back right-the-hell-off.

"Well, my love, since you're asking me in such a lovingly and romantic way, I'll tell you." I lifted the sheet, threw my leg over and straddled him—sitting my ass down right on top of where it counted—his beautiful, pierced, and very talented penis lying flat on his stomach. I couldn't resist the little shimmy I did over the impressive morning wood he was growing as I settled into place on top of him. His eyes laughed up at me for my naughty behavior and then went right back down to lust after my boobs. James loved staring at them almost as much as he liked touching and sucking on them. "Up here, big guy, eyes are right up here."

"Sorry," he said without ever taking his eyes off my tits, "I'm admiring my woman's incredible and splendid rack as I prepare to start my day. It's very important to begin each day with positive thoughts and a healthy appreciation of your many blessings."

"I guess I should accept it as a compliment that my breasts are counted among your life's blessings," I teased.

"Without a fucking doubt."

I laughed. "Okay, well, then you should know that your woman is very well this morning. Oh, and about last night, and how she spent it…with you? Her whole life has changed because of it." I shook my head for emphasis. "I don't think the happiness will ever stop spilling out of your woman."

He got a wicked little gleam in his eye just before he tossed me onto my back, rolling over on top of me, and caging me beneath his hard body. He brought his lips down to mine and gave me the best good morning kiss I'd ever had, and I knew then that James didn't have any regrets, either.

"Just one thing I need to know. Are you sure I wasn't too rough with you?" he asked with real concern in his voice. "I don't ever want to do anything to make you feel uncomfortable or to scare you in any way. I only want to make you happy like you make me." He kissed me sweetly and then pulled back to say, "Last night with you was really fucking beautiful."

I shook my head slowly up at him, feeling suddenly a tiny bit shy. Which was stupid really, because we'd been as intimate as it was possible to be together—all night long and again this morning—so feeling shy with him was ridiculous and pointless? "James, you were not too rough with me. I loved everything we did—that you did. Don't you know that by now?"