WHEN I was awakened early the next morning from a sound sleep in my lonely bed, I was startled. When I realized Elaina had let herself into the flat to wake me, I knew something bad had happened. When I caught a glimpse of Neil hovering in the doorway, I started crying and gripped my chest. When I heard words saying that something had happened to Ethan, I screamed.

I screamed at them both and begged them not to tell me.


NEON green burned into my eyes. What the fuckin’ hell? I tried to push whatever it was out of my face, but it wouldn’t budge.

“Ethan…oh, fuck, man. It just took us some time to find you.”

“What?” I tried to focus, but the sun was shining down, and the light too fucking bright. All I could see was glare and flaming electric green—the colour reminded me of Christian’s jacket as he swept down the mountain ahead of me, right before the—

“Is that you, Christian? You’re all right,” I babbled, “that’s good.” I was so relieved he’d survived I could’ve kissed the little shit, if I could even feel my face. The King still had his heir. Thank fuck. “Tell me, I want to know…did the other lads make it?”

“Yes! We made it, and you did too, Ethan.”

Had I? Didn’t feel like it at all. “But I’m up here on this mountain, and I can’t walk—my leg is fucked up.” I was glad Christian and the boys were okay, but I didn’t see how I would get out of this mess intact, especially if it didn’t happen soon. I was in very poor shape, and I knew it. I couldn’t really see Christian’s face, everything was blurry, and I was tired…so tired.

“I know,” he said, before setting something hard against my lips. “Drink this. It’ll help you.”

I sucked in some liquid but couldn’t tell what it was. I couldn’t feel much, only exhaustion. Then I remembered what I needed to do. More important than anything. I pushed the drink away. “But…do you have a mobile on you, Christian? Mine’s been lost. I have to tell…my wife—I need to give her—a message—”

“Hang on, Ethan, they’re coming to get you. You’re gonna be okay, man.”

“No—I need to call Brynne. Now!” I desperately needed to make him understand.

“There’s no cellular. It won’t go to her.”

“That’s okay…it’ll send once you get in range of service. Voice text—will—work…” I tried to reach for him to make him understand. “Help me, please.”

“Okay, Ethan, okay. What’s her number?”

I said the numbers carefully because I didn’t want to make a mistake. This was so important, and I couldn’t fuck this up. “Now, set it for voice…and let me talk.”

Christian put the thing in my hand, which was hard to grip through the gloves, but he helped me to hold it and told me when to start speaking.

“Brynne, baby…I don’t want you to be scared or sad, okay? I love you, and I’m happy right now. Very, very happy…because I got to be with you…and love you. I’ll still be here, just loving you from another place, and our little Laurel-Thomas, too.” I struggled to keep it together to finish my message, but it was so hard saying goodbye. How was it even possible I had to do such a thing? But yet, I needed to tell her. Nothing was going to stop me. “…you made me real, my beauty, and I love you for that, and I always will…until the end of time.”

There. I’d managed it. She would hear from me one last time, and know…my truth.

Now, I could close my eyes and go to sleep. So desperately tired...

I floated for a time, peacefully drifting…somewhere, I don’t know where. An idea came to me and I remembered about my mum. I’d get to see her again, and that was a very nice thought. I felt unusually free and weightless, as if I were being held up by…something light.


But that’s exactly what it felt like—wings holding me up, cradling my back. Silky feathers in two flowing arcs. Soft, but so powerfully strong. I realized what they belonged to after a while. They were angel wings.

I was being held by an angel.

12th January


COME back to me…

I’m right here, Ethan. Always. You just have to come back to me when you’re ready. I’ll be here waiting for you with Laurel-Thomas. We need you. I need you in order to do this. I just need you, and I won’t ever let you go. I never will.

I stayed with my man at his hospital bedside. Come back to me, baby. Same hospital we’d come to visit Lance. I was so grateful, though. He was here with me now, and I could touch him, and see him, and the doctors could help him. Neil pulled some major strings with someone and arranged for Ethan to be airlifted to London. Ivan helped, too. I don’t know what I would have done without those two. They knew people who could get things done. If Ethan were stuck in Switzerland right now, where I couldn’t go to him, I’d need to be strapped down.