“I want it.” I begged.

“Then, my beauty shall have it,” he grunted, as he buried himself to his balls and filled me up. Just like he’d promised.

We both shouted at the intensity of our joining, staring at one another for a second as he lay encased inside me, pulsing with heat. Our hearts melded together in that moment. I am as sure of it as my next breath.

He filled my mouth with his tongue as he started to thrust, both parts of him moving in tandem to take me. As our bodies connected in a frenzy of sex, and heat, and carnal lust, he told me all of the things I loved to hear from my man.

Ethan held me to him, hands cupping my face, and whispered words against my lips as he ravished me. How much he loved me, how beautiful I was, how much I pleased him when I gave myself up to him, how he intended to fuck me like this daily, how good my “cunt” felt squeezing around his cock…

All of the beautiful, dirty, things he’d said to me before, and would undoubtedly say to me again.

Ethan also kept the promise he’d made to me earlier, just as I knew he would.

My husband was a virile beast when he fucked his wife for the first time.


I woke up sharply, breathing in sucking gulps of air. Brynne. I hated that the first thought in my mind was what I might have done in my sleep, and what her reaction would be to it this time. Had I shouted out angry things that frightened her? Thrashed around in the bed, disturbing her sleep? Tried to fuck her like a madman as a way to bring me down?

My fears were very real. I knew they were real because I’d done all of those things before in front of her.

I dared a glance over at her lying next to me, trying to slow my racing heart. There she was, on her side in all her naked glory, hair spilling wildly over the pillows, and smelling of the floral perfume she used, combined with the unmistakable essence of sex and cum. Her chin tilted in my direction as if she was breathing me in. Peacefully asleep.

Thank motherfucking hell.

Disaster averted. Again. I didn’t remember anything about what I’d dreamt, but the sharp waking did happen from time to time, and I fucking hated it almost as much as the dreams I sometimes did remember.

I turned onto my side, facing toward Brynne and revelled in the gorgeous view she made for me. I loved to watch her sleeping after we’d fucked each other senseless. And I had most surely enjoyed every pounding, orgasmic second of the fucking we’d done on our wedding night. The urge to get up and step out for a smoke tickled my brain, but I told myself that it was just my brain wanting the nicotine my addiction of choice delivered. My body sure didn’t need it, and neither did my wife and child.

My wife was beautiful when she slept. She was beautiful all the time, even though she didn’t flaunt her beauty like other women I’d known. Brynne was different from every single one of them. A subdued type of beauty. Not flashy to bring attention to herself, but naturally beautiful, drawing interest without any effort at all. I had known it the instant I’d seen her at the Andersen Gallery that night for the show where I bought her portrait. My mind knew she was special before my body did. Now, I held onto the first glimpse of her in my head. It was a defining moment in my life. The place where I returned to when I needed the leveling down from the demonic tortures living in my subconscious. I’d just remember that night when our eyes met across the room. It was a very safe place to go to in my mind when I needed to.

Just watching her right now was enough to make me want her again, but it was the knowing that she now belonged to me totally, both emotionally and legally, that really did it for me.

I knew some would say I was completely pussywhipped for marrying off so fast and knocking her up, but I didn’t care what anyone thought. If the term fit me, well then, it was exactly what I needed to be, because my life before Brynne sure hadn’t been working for me. At least with her by my side, I felt like I had some small chance of being normal…

THE second time I woke, I knew it was morning, and I knew somebody else was awake too. I knew this because she was stroking my cock with her hand and flicking her hot tongue over my nipples. “Good morning to you,” I sighed in contentment.

She picked her head up and grinned at me. “Morning, husband.”

“I love the sound of that, baby. And I love how you’re waking me up on our first morning as man and wife.” I thrust my hips toward her hand to create more friction.

“I’m just getting started on you though. You had last night to be in charge. Now it’s my turn,” she said.

“Well, I am one fucking lucky bastard then.” I dragged her fully on top of me so I could have her mouth, and kissed her thoroughly. After a moment, I pulled back and held her face, searching for any signs of trouble. “Everything all right, my beauty?” I just wanted to make sure I hadn’t gone overboard with her the night before. I did worry about fucking too roughly, especially now that she was pregnant. I knew we’d have to tone it down as she got closer to the end of the pregnancy, but Dr. B had ass

ured me, that for now at least, everything was on the table.

“Yes. Very much perfect I think.” She smiled at me, her eyes sparking a beautiful golden brown.

“Last night…was so amazing.” I kissed her again. “You were completely amazing.”

She got that shy little blush that happened when she thought about some of the really filthy stuff we did in bed. It made me just that much hotter for her. She allowed me to have her how I wished to and trusted me to treat her right. Her trust in me brought me to my knees, and I would never take that for granted. “So were you.” She stroked my length with a firm grip, pulling it into a little twist at the bell-end that got me painfully hard.

“…feels so fucking good,” I grit out.

“I know,” she said mischievously, and then scrambled down to take me in her mouth.

“Ahh…fuck yes! Yes, that’s it…” I lost the ability to form words so I just shut up and took what she gave to me so generously.