Felt so fuckin’ good I growled from the pleasure of the hot grip of her inner walls clamping around my convulsing cock. I took her mouth and plundered it with my tongue, sweeping around in a circle as deep as I could go. I always wanted to be inside her in as many places as possible. Something drove that need in me, and I only knew I was compelled to be that way with her and couldn’t rein it in. I also knew she loved me to be that way.

I settled my hands beneath her bum and we started to go at the fucking in earnest—me thrusting up and lifting, her riding up and down my cock with a little squeeze of her muscles and a twist of her hips. We made it last as long as we could, slowing down just enough to keep us on the edge. I let her keep the pace she liked. We’d be at this for as long as she wanted. I was always all about pleasing my girl, and thought she was so goddamn sexy when she got desperate for my cock and didn’t want to wait for it. I loved working her up into a fuck-frenzy to pull us both over the edge when it was time for us to fall.

She reached her hand around and found my sac, squeezing my balls and my cock simultaneously, flipping my switch.

And propelling the pace of our fucking into overdrive.

“You’re so fuckin’ perfect, baby. My cock feels so good inside you! I want you like this forever. I’ll never stop crawling up…inside…YOU.”

“Don’t ever stop, Ethan. I don’t ever want you to stop.”

“Never, baby…I’m doing this for the rest of my life.”

I brought a hand forward to find her soaking clit and circled it as she continued to ride me. Tonight I wanted to come with her—both of us at the same time. It was important to me. I wanted to feel her spasms when the top of my cock shot off inside her. I wanted to swallow her cries when my tongue owned her mouth, and I savoured the sweet flavour of her.

Of course, I had to stop eventually, after I’d made her come, screaming my name. And after I’d poured everything I had deep inside her. It was the meaning behind our words that were significant, not the literal definition. I would never stop loving Brynne, and fucking wildly at times was definitely part of demonstrating that love. We had always been on the same page with the sex. Thank the gods for whichever one of them blessed us in that sector. I was under no delusions about how unusual and rare it was to find someone so compatible.

I lifted her off my hips, settling her on her side so we could face each other. I still needed to be able to look into her eyes and kiss her afterward. She was sleepy and soft from climaxing, and I worried that maybe what we’d just done was a little too much, and too rough for her more advanced stage in the pregnancy.

“Was all of that okay, baby? Maybe we shouldn’t have been so rough at it.” I traced her lips with my finger. She opened her mouth for me and I slipped my finger in between her lips. She closed them in on my digit, wrapping her warm tongue around it, sucking gently. I felt my cock twitch and start to harden up again. Not happening, you fucking Neanderthal. You can’t.

“Mmm hmm, don’t worry. I feel wonderful right now,” she murmured with her eyes barely open. “I needed that orgasm. Badly. And I love you…”

“And I need to kiss you now,” I said, dipping my lips to hers, our heads resting on the pillows.

So I kissed my girl, and told her all of the things that were important for me to say to her, and necessary for her to hear from me, until we fell asleep, tangled together, our bodies touching wherever we could comfortably connect.

I felt something different. Utter contentment…and peace. It was the first time I could ever remember feeling that way, and I prayed it wouldn’t be the last.


7th February


“THAT would be the last of the deliveries from London, Mrs. Blackstone. I’ll have to assemble the crib tonight when my helper has some free time.” Robbie winked at me. His “helper” would be Ethan, who wanted to be part of putting the crib together.

“Oh, I know, Robbie, he’s been reminding me about it. I’m sure he’s been reminding you, too. Ethan just wants to make sure the crib is assembled correctly so it’s one-hundred-percent safe. It’s the security-guy thing in him. It crosses over into all aspects of our lives, as I am sure you already know,” I said sarcastically.

Robbie laughed and headed out, but he turned back before he left the room. “Does Sir Frisk need to have a trip outside before I

have to head out?” he asked me.

“I don’t know, maybe he does, although he looks pretty happy where he is right now.” I peered down at Sir who was sprawled out on the new rug, blinking up at me with his gorgeous golden eyes, and asked, “Do you want to go outside with Robbie?”

He didn’t budge. And I was certain he understood my question. My Sir was super smart, and he loved me best. Doggy love for the win.

“Guess not right now, Robbie. He’ll let me know when he needs to go out, and I want to take a walk later anyway.”

“Very good, Mrs. Blackstone.”

I returned to my mural painting for the nursery after Robbie left. He and his wife, Ellen, took really wonderful care of Stonewell, both when we were here, and when we were in London. Robbie had grown a soft spot for Sir Frisk too, which was a nice thing, as he would always stay here. None of us could imagine confining such a creature to a London penthouse flat. It just wouldn’t be right. I’d miss him very much though, and we planned to go back in another week so there were no chances taken with me going into labor early. Ethan was paranoid about it, and as usual, I let him have his way.

This mural was of the sea instead of a tree. Some of the elements were still a question until we knew if we had a Thomas or a Laurel. I smiled as I worked on some of the white cloud shapes, remembering how Ethan interrogated me this morning about the paints I was using for the project, and were they water-based, non-toxic mixtures? He was always so cautious about everything, but I knew it was just because he loved me so much.

He’d been worried last night after the mega-amazing sex session too, which I thought was unwarranted. I felt fine, and from all that I’d read in the literature about pregnancy and birth, sex was perfectly safe for couples as long as there weren’t complications, and you felt up to the task. Well, I certainly did. And Ethan always was “up” for it. I think we were both really desperate for the intimacy and closeness after our scare with his accident. Nothing prioritized life faster, or more effectively, than the near death of a loved one.

We’d come too close to losing each other. I shuddered at the thought and went back to shading fluffy white clouds over a sparkling blue-green sea.