“Nelson Square in Southwark.”

Not the best location, but could be worse. “You are American,” I said, thinking of nothing better.

“I am here on scholarship at the University of London. Graduate program.”

I knew that of course, but I really wanted to know about her other job. “And the modelling?”

My question flustered her. Understandable, I suppose. I knew what she looked like naked. Fucking spectacular. “Um, I—I posed for my friend, the photographer, Benny Clarkson. He asked me, and it helps pay the bills, you know?”

“Not really, but I do love the portrait of you, Miss Bennett.” I kept my eyes on the road.

She did not like my questioning her. It made her defensive. I swear, she literally sizzled in her seat before letting me have it.

“Well, my own personal international corporation never came through like yours did, Mr. Blackstone. I resorted to modelling. I like sleeping in a bed as opposed to a park bench. And heat. The winters here suck!”

Oh, fuck, yeah, she’s amazing. “In my experience, I’ve found many things here that suck.” I glanced over and pegged her glittering eyes, moving down to her lips, imagining them wrapped around my cock, thoroughly enjoying winding her up by my reply.

“Well, we agree on something then.” She rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes.


“Yeah. How did you know?”

I got the chance to take another long, leisurely look at her. “Merely a guess. No dinner, just the champagne you gulped back at the gallery, and now it’s late and your body is putting up a protest.” I tilted my head. “How’d I do?”

She looked at me as if her mouth had gone dry.

“I just need two aspirin and some water and I’ll be fine.”

That’s no good at all. “When did you last eat some food, Brynne?”

“So, we’re back to first names again?”

Yes, we are, baby. I didn’t like her not taking care of herself. She needed to eat like everyone else. After a moment she said something about making food when she got home. At this late hour? For fuck’s sake, that will simply not do, Brynne.

I pulled into a corner shop and told her to stay in the car, I’d be right back. I got her a bottled water, a packet of Nurofen and a protein bar that looked palatable. I just hoped she would accept them from me.

“What did you need to get in the store—”

Not a worry. She took the water as soon as she spotted it and started drinking. I removed the pills from the packet for her and held them open in my hand. She took those too, and gulped them down, draining the bottle quickly. I set the protein bar on her knee.

“Now eat it—please.”

She sighed, a long, shuddering breath that made my cock twitch again, and opened the bar slowly. But something changed in her demeanor as she took a bite and started chewing. I sensed melancholy from her when she bowed her head and whispered, “Thank you.”

“My pleasure. Everyone needs the basics, Brynne. Food, water…a bed.”

She didn’t respond to my subtle reprimand.

“What’s your actual street address?” I asked.

“41 Franklin Crossing.”

I headed back on the road and in a moment, heard her mobile chirp. She responded to a text and seemed to relax a bit after that. A few moments later, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Having her comfortable and feeling safe with me flipped some kind of switch inside my head. I couldn’t say what exactly, because it was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. I just knew I fucking liked the feeling. I did something reckless then. I wasn’t proud of what I did, but that didn’t stop me from doing it. I carefully took her mobile from her lap and called my number with it.

“Brynne, wake up.” I leaned in and touched her shoulder, speaking close enough to smell her natural scent. Her eyelids twitched erratically, the long lashes sweeping down onto creamy skin with just a hint of olive to it. Was she dreaming? Her lips were full and dark pink, barely parted as she breathed. A few loose strands of her long brown hair fell over one cheek. I wanted to lift it to my nose and smell it.