“Ahhh . . . well—um . . . we wanted to tell you a few things. actually, Tom.”

“Well, I’m dying to hear it,” Dad said, obviously loving that he had Ethan squirming on Skype, a monstrous grin on his handsome face. God, I hoped he was happy once he heard the words.

I went for it. A big ole fat belly flop into the deep end of the metaphorical swimming pool that was my life.

“Daddy, you’re going to be a grandpa.”

I felt Ethan’s fingers grip my shoulders a little harder , and watched the big grin on my dad’s face morph into a look of complete shock.


? I pulled up to the redbrick house where I’d grown up in Hampstead and parked on the street.

“This is my dad’s house.”

“It’s lovely, Ethan. An elegant English home, just like I imagined it. The yard is beautiful.”

“Dad likes to keep his hands dirty with it.”

“I’ve always admired people with a green thumb. I’d like to have a garden someday but I don’t know much about plants. I’d have so much to learn,” she said wistfully from inside the car. “Do you feel good when you come here? Does it still feel like home to you?” She sounded a little homesick to me.

“Well, yeah, it does. It’s the only one I ever had until I bought mine. And I know my dad would be happy to teach you anything. My mother’s garden is in the back of the house. I really want you to see that.” I swept my eyes over Brynne, looking beautiful as usual in a flowery dress and some purple boots. God, I loved when she wore her boots. The clothes could go but the boots could stay . . . any time. “Are you nervous?”

She nodded. “I am . . . very.”

“There’s no need, baby. Everyone loves you and thinks you are the best thing to ever happen to me.” I gave her a slow kiss on the lips, tasting her sweetness before we had to go out in public, and my constant need to have my hands on her would have to be curbed for the next hours. It sucks to be me, then. “Which you are,” I added.

“Oh, come on; I remember how my dad interrogated you . . . and how your voice cracked.” She giggled. “The look on his face was priceless, wasn’t it?”

“Ahh, I guess so. I don’t really remember his face. All I could think about was how grateful I was to have thousands of miles between us, you know, to save my cock from being twisted off.”

“You poor thing,” she laughed, holding her hand over her stomach.

“Are you feeling well? How’s our raspberry behaving this evening?”

Brynne reached up to hold my cheek. “Little raspberry is cooperating so far, but I never know what will set me off. Nighttime is my nemesis for some reason. Just gonna take it slow.”

“You look so beautiful tonight. Dad is going to be thrilled.” I picked up her hand and kissed it on the palm, then pressed it back over her stomach.

“You’re going to make me cry if you keep that up.” She covered my hand with hers.

“Nope. No tears tonight. This is a happy time. Think about how happy your dad was last night when we told him. Well, at least after he realized he was too far away to castrate me, he was.” I flashed a quick wink.

“I love you, Blackstone. You make me laugh, and that’s something. Let’s do this thing.”

“Yes, boss.” I came around and got my girl out of the car and up the steps to the door. I rang the bell and waited. The soft slide of a warm body slinked against my leg. The cat had grown some since the last time I’d come over here.

“Soot, my man. How the hell have you been?” I picked him up and introduced him to Brynne. “This is Soot, the self-proclaimed owner of my dad. He’s sort of adopted him.”

“Aww . . . what a handsome kitty. Such green eyes.” Brynne reached out to pet him as Soot lowered his head into her hand for a rub. “He’s really friendly, huh?”

“Oh, yes he is—”

The door opening interrupted us. Brynne’s aunt Marie, with a welcoming smile on her face, stood just inside my dad’s front porch. “Surprise,” Marie said. “I bet you two weren’t expecting to see me here, were you?”

I laughed awkwardly, in reality a bit caught off guard but I recovered well in spite of my shock. “Marie, if this isn’t a most lovely surprise, I don’t know what is. Are you helping Dad with dinner?”

“I am,” she said. “Please come in, you two.” She greeted us both with kisses and hugs. Brynne and I exchanged a quick glance. I’d bet brass Brynne was as surprised as me to see Marie here.