e for the moment.

“Christ, you’re soaking, my beauty. You need some attention, don’t you?”

“Yes . . .” she whispered, her mouth falling open as she started to breathe heavily.

“I’ve been remiss.” I jerked her hips to the cushion edge sharply and held her open. “You must forgive me.” I blew on her cleft and loved the response I got, undulating hips and a soft, sexy moan. The sounds she could make . . .

My cock was ready for more just from hearing that throaty purr. I dived in and drew a deep lick through her pussy, parting the lips so I could get to work on the nub that made things feel really nice. She bowed her hips up again and made more sexy sounds for me.

I feasted. No other way to describe it. I sucked and licked, nibbled and nipped, and I could have stayed there for a long, long time doing it. The taste of her always made me crazed.

When I felt her tighten around my tongue and the two fingers that had found their way inside her heavenly cunt at some point, I prepared for what was certainly coming. Her all over me.

“Are you ready, baby?” I managed to ask, lips against lips.

“Yeeeees . . .”

Her cry came out soft and drawn low on a vibrating breath. So purely beautiful to me, I almost hated to take her forward and lose the sound of it. “Come for me.” I focused on her clit and clipped my teeth onto it. “Right. Now!”

It was an order, and like other times, she performed to perfection for me. Her whole body arching upward, rolling out a low, shuddered cry from deep within her throat as I pushed my fingers inside and curled them into her.

I watched with my eyes, tasted with my tongue, heard with my ears and felt with my fingers as my beautiful girl reached her climax. The only sense I didn’t use as she came apart was that of speech. There were no words to describe her, nor were there ones I could coherently form in the moment; she was a work of art, and I was speechless.


? Ethan scooped me off the couch and into his arms. I lifted my eyes and got that wave of emotion again as his blues found me. I loved him so much I knew the fear. I’d heard others speak about it. I’d read about it in books. Now I understood. The fear that you have when you finally give your heart away to another person. It makes you very vulnerable to loss. If you never love anyone, then you’ll never be hurt when they don’t love you back or when they leave you.

I finally had the practical experience of understanding.

It sucked.

Ethan sensed my newfound knowledge, I think. He studied me with intuitive eyes that looked very dark blue at the moment, and ducked his head down to meet my lips. He kissed me there in front of the window while holding me naked in his arms. I melted into him and gave in to my goddamn emotions.

He carried me down the hall to the bedroom and broke the kiss to lower me down to the bed. He saw.

“Oh, oh, baby . . . don’t cry,” he whispered, cupping my face and settling against me.

I couldn’t help it. There was far too much inside me to leave it there. “I just love you so much, Ethan,” I blubbered and then closed my eyes in an attempt to find some small sliver of sanctuary from my emotions.

He took over, stretching out against me so that our bodies aligned from head to toe when he started kissing me. Everywhere. “I love you more,” he whispered as his lips trailed over my tears and brushed them away. He moved on to my jaw and then my neck and throat, the warm draw of his tongue over my skin settling me into some control over my urge to weep.

“I know what you need, and I’ll always be here to give it to you.” His hand reached up to weave fingers into my hair as his mouth closed over a nipple and sucked. And just like that he took me away into another world. A place where I was cherished, and where I could forget about a time when I never dared to dream about being loved like this.

Ethan alternatively flicked his tongue between my nipples, pinching with his lips, pulling them up and hardening the tips to sharp aching points as he held my hair in a firm grip. The tugging of my hair arched my chest up to meet his mouth. I needed what he did to me. So very badly.

When he lifted his head from my breasts, I protested the loss of his mouth on me and the pleasure it gave. He wanted to look at his handiwork. Ethan loved to look at our bodies during sex. There was no part of me he hadn’t had a good look at or touched in some way. It gave me confidence when he looked and I knew he liked what he saw.

“Does that feel good when I suck on your beautiful tits and make them hard?” He tugged on my hair.

“Yes! I love when you suck them.” I was starting to feel desperate.

“Do you love it when I bite them?” He clamped his teeth over one, not hard enough to hurt badly, but enough to give me a jolt of ecstasy along with a twinge of pain that brought out a moan.

“I think I take that as a yes,” he muttered. “You’re so fucking gorgeous when you make sounds . . .” He bit the other nipple, making me gasp and craving much more. Ethan had shown me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I was indeed a sexual creature. When he got me into this state even I would class myself well into the category of nymphomaniac.

His hand left my hair as he reached down to open my legs wide so he could stare at my pussy. “But this is what I want now,” he rasped, stroking over my cleft, spreading the slick wetness from my earlier orgasm backward to lubricate my other opening. We’d been working on this for a while, and Ethan was taking his time in getting us there. I’d never done anal sex with anyone else; he would be the first. It felt nice to be a virgin in this way and give something to him that wasn’t going to go to anyone else.

He pushed two fingers in and lifted his eyes as he did. “I want this, baby. I want into every part of you because you’re mine, and you always will be.”