"I can buy my own drinks. Thank you very much." She took a series of small sips, shivering slightly with every swallow.

"Actually, I was going to suggest you try something else. It doesn't look like you're a fan of whatever is in that glass."

"This is a cossammapolatan." She butchered the word, then tried again. "A casama...erm, I just call it a Cosmo for short. It's what all trendy women in the big cities are drinking."

"Really?" I grinned. "Which big cities?"

"You know, all the cities." Carina sipped again but did a better job of controlling her facial expressions. "New York City, L.A... uh, city, or..." She looked up as she tried to think of more names.

"Uh, technically it's just L.A. or Los Angeles." I chuckled when she looked at me like I was the one being ridiculous. "They don't say city. It isn't part of..." My words trailed off as several locks of red curls fell over one eye and she shook her head, forcing her hair away from her face. The sweet smell of strawberries filled my nose, and I couldn't help thinking it was the perfect scent for her. "Never mind. I'm Brando, by the way." I held out my hand. Seconds ticked by with her staring at me as if considering whether to shake or not. "Come on, don't leave me hanging." I cocked my head to the side. Just when I thought she might do just that, she lifted her arm.

"Carina," she replied, with a quick shake. Her soft hand looked so small in mine. Though I'd already known her name, I still played along.

The conversation was easy after that. We didn't discuss anything personal or of importance. I let Carina do most of the talking as I studied her face. The tiny mole that rested high on one cheek, the way her nose moved when her mouth formed certain words and how her high heel shoe dangled off the tip of her toe as she flexed and pointed her foot.

Stolen glances turned into soft touches, and eventually long kisses. When it was closing time, we made our way outside.

"Are you leaving?" Carina asked, looking almost bashful. Slowly she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, and it took everything in me not to wrap her in my arms and kiss her senseless.

"Do you want me to?" I controlled my hands by putting them in my pockets. Her response didn't come in words. She was the one who reached for me and pulled me up the stairs to her place.

Carina had been everything I knew she would be. Shy, but not afraid to claim her own pleasure. She gifted me full control of her body. Every inch of her was mine. When the night was over, she had owned me.

It was like taking that first sip of top-notch whiskey and letting it roll around on your tongue. Knowing such perfection existed you could never go back to the cheap stuff. Carina was from the finest stock I'd ever had the privilege of tasting...and she called me her friend.

Fuck that.

She was going to be all mine.



"Well, you look like shit, kid." Jamie's declaration hurt. I shot a look at my brother. Though he was two years older, we could almost pass for twins. Matching red hair, cornflower blue eyes and the same loner state of mind.

"Thanks." I grabbed a fry from my plate and tossed it at him. He managed to dodge it then throw one from his own at me.

"Jamie!" I gasped when the fry hit me on my cheek then bounced away. He threw his head back and laughed. "Jerk," I mumbled, reaching for more ammo, then deciding I didn't want to part with any more of my fries.

"Carina, you seem a little off. What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" I asked while swirling the straw around in my milkshake.

"First, you allowed that fry to make contact with your face. It's a rookie mistake, and you know better." He chuckled.

Jamie and I had perfected the art of food fighting. We'd been raised in a life of overindulgence. Born and raised on Sea Whisper Island. Silverwood Manor had been our home. The luxurious life of a Risto included private tutors, live-in nannies, and summers on a yacht in Mexico. Our parents had wanted us to have the best but what they couldn't buy us—real friends. A healthy social life. They could always find us play dates and birthday party attendees, but real honest to God friendships were hard to come by. We'd been sheltered and isol

ated from the rest of the people in town. To some, we were the mysterious Ristos. To most, we were fancy, highfalutin freaks. We were our only friends. All Jamie and I had was each other, especially after the divorce.

"It was a lucky shot." I used the back of my hand to wipe away the salt and grease. The truth was I'd been exhausted, and it had nothing to do with a lack of sleep. After spending so much time away, the island felt different. I was different. Both mentally drained and out of my element. Jamie stared at me for a few seconds.

"Listen, I know things are...tough right now, but I promise we're going to figure it out." He squeezed my hand then added quietly, "I miss him, too." That familiar ache ripped through my chest, rendering me speechless. I nodded, wishing he hadn't said that but knowing he meant well. "Oh, that reminds me. My guy was able to come through with the stuff." He looked over both shoulders then discreetly slid an envelope to me under the table.

"Good. You got it." Relief washed over me. I knew he'd been having a difficult time with his contact, but if anyone could get it done it was my brother. "Thank you. You're amazing."

Jamie shrugged off my appreciation as if it were no big deal, but it was. He'd been risking a lot.

"Seriously. It means the world to me."