"Shut the fuck up, Todd." I pointed at him as I rushed to my door. Rosie was still in my room but dressed in her clothes. "What the hell are you doing in here? Why were you wearing my shirt?" I roared, tossing clothes around as I tried to find my phone.

"These jeans were way too tight to sleep in." She looked down at her outfit. "You were passed out, so I borrowed one of your shirts."

"Why are you in my room?" I demanded, still not finding my phone.

"Where else was I supposed to sleep?" she asked, having the nerve to look offended.

"Where were you supposed to sleep?" I repeated. "Um, the couch, or even better, your own house." I was beyond angry. If Rosie had fucked things up for me with Carina, I didn't know what I would do.

"You would have preferred I drive home drunk? Wow. You know what? I'm going to leave."

"Good idea." I knew I was a total dick to her, but I didn't care. I was even madder at myself for letting it happen. I knew better when it came to Rosie.

What if Carina never talked to me again?

I'd realized over a bottle of cheap whiskey that none of it mattered—not the mug shot, Mexican gang member boyfriend...a kid. As long as she was free of Leon-Martinez, then I would find a way to handle it all.

I loved her.



The journey home was just as exhausting. It was almost midnight by the time the ferry pulled into the harbor at Sea Whisper Island. Cora, the heat-packing cabbie, picked me up at the Charleston airport and brought me back to Key City.

Leaving Sebastian was always hard, but it had been especially painful that last time. Carmen was able to distract him with the new box of Legos I'd brought with me. It seemed to do the trick. I just didn't know for how long.

I made it from the ferry dock, down the boardwalk, past the statue of Captain Silvereye, and up the stairs of my apartment on sheer will. I was physically exhausted and emotionally drained. I'd fallen onto my bed and prayed for sleep to take me, except my brain was working overtime. I wondered if Nico had made any progress with the lawyer, so I pulled out my phone and sent him a text.

Nico: Knee-high, you better be dying. Sophie just got the baby down, and you're cutting into my time.

Me: Sorry, I couldn't sleep. Any word from that lawyer?

Nico: Nothing yet but I know the guy. He'll come through.

Me: Is he really that good of a lawyer?

Nico: The best. Don't worry. I got you covered.

I waited another minute before sending another text.

Me: Nico? Sorry. I have one more question.

Nico: Yes

I could almost hear the growl on that word.

Me: Explain to me that "Boom" thing again.


The next morning I went to see Brando. I was ready to let him in.

I knocked on the door, and Todd answered. He pointed to Brando's room when I asked if he was there.

I steeled myself for what I was about to do, the things I had to confess. I didn't know how Brando would take it, but there was only one way to find out. It had been a week since I'd last seen him and the sight of him still took my breath away. His hair was a crazy mess, his face sleepy and eyes not yet alert. His inked chest was bare, and a pair of black shorts hung low on his hips. I couldn't get over how sexy he was. At first, he was surprised to see me, then pleased. I was relieved since I didn't

know what to expect after being gone so long. Most people didn't seem to notice when I left or returned.