"She's not lying, just doing what she thinks is right for Bash." Jamie defended his sister.

"Bash?" I asked, finally finding my voice. "What's that?" It sounded like some sort of party. Jamie and Madelyn exchanged glances but didn't answer.

"I hear you have a particular set of skills." Madelyn changed the subject. "I require your services. I will give you something about Carina to chew on, but you have to do something for me."

"Do something for you?" I repeated, and Madelyn nodded. "It depends on what it is."

"Fair enough, and what I tell you will depend on what you are willing to do for me."

My head began to fill with so many questions, and I wasn't sure which one to ask first.

"But you can only ask me one question."

I wasn't surprised by the condition she'd set. I knew there was a catch.

"All right. One answer will only get you one favor." I added to the negotiations.

"Fine." Madelyn reached out and we shook hands. Her hand was cold and bone-thin. "Ask your question."

"Where is Carina?"


"What? Mexico?" The answer stunned me. "What is in Mexico?"

"Sorry." Madelyn slowly shook her head. "We agreed on one question."

"Come on."

"You chose that question. Be a little wiser next time. My turn."

"Okay," I said, pissed that I didn't pick something a little better to ask.

"I want you to find someone for me."


"An old...friend." She said the word as if it left a bad taste in her mouth. "How good is your Spanish?"



I awoke to the sound of music coming from downstairs. Bash was lying asleep beside me, out like a light. That kid could sleep through anything. Granted, it was still kind of early, though my internal clock was running two hours ahead. I slid from the bed then tucked my baby boy in again until he was nice and snug. An upbeat tune by Leo Dan played through the surround sound. I'd followed the smell of freshly brewed coffee, down the stairs, through the living room, and into the kitchen. The sounds of soft laughter made me pause in mid-step. Ritchie had spun Carmen into a twirl then finished with a very ungraceful dip. They stumbled together, laughing.

There was a twelve-year age gap between Carmen and me, and ten years between her and Ritchie. Right after I moved to Mexico, Carmen had been hired on as a live-in housekeeper and companion for me. He felt it was important for me to have a woman around. I liked her right away. She was energetic and pretty, but a terrible housekeeper. Her only saving grace was that she'd been a phenomenal cook. She treated me like her little sister and didn't take any shit from Ritchie. The two of them were like oil and water. They were incredibly passionate people, which meant when they clashed, it was huge. I'd never met two people more perfect for each other.

"Oh, good morning, Carina." Carmen blushed as she untangled herself from Ritchie's arms, slapping at his hands when he grabbed at her playfully. "Coffee is ready."

"Mornin', sweetheart," Ritchie said to me, then planted a quick kiss on Carmen's lips. "I have to run out. I won't be long." He swatted Carmen on the behind, causing her to yelp.

"Ritchie!" She gasped, then chased him for a few steps as he headed for the door. When Ritchie yelped from the next room, I knew Carmen had returned the swat.

"Gross, you guys," I yelled over my shoulder, then grabbed a coffee mug from the cabinet. Carmen walked back into the kitchen, a smile still on her face.

"Let me get that." She moved me aside and gestured for me to sit down. "Go."

I went to the table as I was told and waited while she poured my coffee and filled a plate for me. Carmen was someone who naturally loved to care for people. Nothing she did around the house anymore had been required; she had become part of the family. Though she and Ritchie had not married, it was her home, too.