“Too easy!” Fox shouted as he got out of the car and Harley threw herself into his waiting arms. His win put him at number two on Knight’s list.

The final race of the night was the event everyone had been waiting for. Adam King, the former King of the Carolinas, and the new self-proclaimed King, Hunter Knight. Months back, Knight had sneakily used King’s rules against him to steal the title away and take over his list.

It was redemption time.

King confidently strode up to Knight and stared him down as the rules were discussed. Knight would be racing in the right lane and King would take the left. The red Mustang was ready and roaring in no time as Knight pulled his Corvette to the starting line with his usual sneer.

“I can’t look,” Jonna said again as she continued to hide behind me. I knew how she felt. Street racing was a dangerous sport, and when the man you love was the one doing the driving, it was like watching your heart fly down the road at one hundred and fifty miles an hour.

Blake and Fox were gathered around King’s car, helping with last minute preparations.

“It’s all going to be fine.” I patted Jonna’s hand while Harley gave a reassuring smile.

“King’s the best. Have faith.”

Jonna tried to return the smile, but I knew it was hard. So much was riding on this win. Was King really the fastest? What if Knight out raced him?

We wouldn’t have to wait long to find out because Jungle Jim had taken his place in front of the red Mustang and the black Corvette. The sound of engines revving was the indicator that the race was about to start. Both cars were at the starting line, shaking and growling like two ugly beasts being held back by chains. When Jungle Jim clicked the light on, the metaphoric chains snapped. The roar was so loud and angry that I had to put hands to my ears as my teeth rattled. We all held our breath as both cars disappeared down the road. From where we were standing, it was hard to tell who was in the lead.

“Go, baby. Go, baby,” Jonna whispered behind me, her eyes glued on the red Mustang. “You got it,” she said a little louder. “You got it!” she shouted and started jumping up and down. “You got it!” I craned my neck to the side in time to see King cross the line just barely ahead of Knight.

Everyone was cheering and roaring in victory. The King had reclaimed the throne.

When King drove back to the line, Jonna ran to me

et him. I looked to Knight’s car to see that there was no one running in his direction. Hell, even during times when Fox had lost a race, he still had Harley all over him, his own personal cheerleader regardless of the outcome.

I looked at what Knight had compared to King, Fox, and Blake. He didn’t have much. Sure, he came from money, and some girls might think he was attractive, but he didn’t have the things that really mattered. Underneath it all, he was envious. It was probably the reason he talked so much shit and caused so much trouble. Part of me felt sorry for him while the other part knew he’d made his own bed. Maybe one day he’d have a chance to turn it all around. Maybe.

But for now . . .

“Hear ye, hear ye, the King has returned!” someone shouted as King took his place standing in the black truck bed he was famous for using to make his announcements.

“I want it to be said right here and now that I earned my title rightfully, and anyone who disputes that and wants to challenge me, speak right fuckin’ now or forever hold your peace.”

When nobody said anything, he directed his gaze at Knight.

“Still think you’ve got the best line up? Wanna challenge me and my crew? We got nothin’ but time.”

“Psh.” Knight threw a dismissive wave in King’s direction, looking extremely pissed that King had addressed him like that in front of the crowd. “You and your crew ain’t shit. Fuck your list.”

“All right, as soon as we race your ass off my list, you’re done.”

“It’s sweet you think it’s that easy. See you fucks next week.” Then he got into the Corvette and roared off.

“From now on,” King announced to the crowd still gathered around, “anyone who runs with Knight ain’t got a chance in hell of finding a place on my list.” Then he hopped down from the truck and collected his wife, who was looking at him with pride. The crowd parted in respect as the two walked away together, hand in hand.

Having a small understanding of the street racing culture, I knew that kicking Knight off the list wasn’t the way things were done. He would have to be raced off the list, fair and square. There was honor in that. They didn’t have to like each other, but they did have to show respect. Knight, however, wasn’t going to be taken out that easily.

“You ready, Tay?” Blake asked while reaching out a hand for me. It was my turn to stare in admiration at my own badass racer.

“I’m ready for it all.” I smiled up at him and put my hand in his.

I was ready to begin the life I’d always dreamed but never thought was possible. I was excited to meet the tiny life our love had created, and I wanted it right away.

Every day was a wonderful gift, every turn a thrilling adventure.

And what an unbelievable ride it was going to be.