
My fingers gripped the edge of the bed and held steady through each thrust. I loved the feel of him, and from this angle, he could set every nerve ending on fire. Blake’s hand traced the curve of my spine, causing me to arch my back.

“You feel amazing, you know that? Always so good.” B

lake groaned as he slid in and out of my slick channel. When his movements changed to slow and deliberate thrusts, I had to bite down on my bottom lip to keep from crying out.

“No, don’t keep quiet. It’s just us here.” He was right. Sometimes, especially in moments of passion, I forgot that we had the house all to ourselves. No roommates and no guests. And we were no longer a dirty secret. Well, at least not the secret part. Dirty was another thing entirely . . .

I could never get enough of the feel of his hands on my body and the way he touched my insides. No longer able to hold it in, I threw my head back and moaned. This encouraged Blake to move faster, his thrusts carrying me all the way to the edge, and then suddenly he was gone. I opened my eyes and turned my head to see him smiling behind me with a wicked grin before he was turning me over to lay on my back.

“I want to see your beautiful face when you come,” he said against my lips. I pulled back to stare into those ocean blue eyes I loved with all my heart. Sometimes I couldn’t believe that we were together . . . and happy.

I wrapped my arms around him as he parted my thighs. As soon as he found my wetness, he slipped inside, filling me completely in one swift motion.

“God, Tay. I love you so much.”

“I love you, Blake.” I pulled his face down to mine and he covered my mouth with his. Our tongues entwined as we rocked together, working to find the right rhythm until we were ready to find release. He rested one arm on the bed and used the other hand to bring my leg up and over his hip. His timing was perfect. Just that slight switch at the right moment had me gasping and clutching him to me. He pressed kisses along my neck as I lightly raked my nails down his back.

“You ready, baby? I need you there with me,” he groaned, his breathing heavy. He was close, but I was even closer.

“Yes, now. I’m ready now.”

He concentrated on working the spot he knew would set me off and we gave into our release together, our hands joined and moaning into each other’s mouths.

Once we finally returned to earth, Blake became aware of his position on top of me and quickly moved away.

“Pretty soon, this whole thing is going to get tricky.” He chuckled while rubbing a hand over my little, round belly. Peanut was now the size of a papaya, which put me at twenty-two weeks. We decided to not find out the sex of the baby because there were only so many good surprises in life.

Our entire story came as a complete surprise to everyone, including us. It took the possibility of losing each other to realize that no matter the risk, we would face the future together.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“I can’t watch.” Jonna hid her face behind my shoulder. “Just tell me when it’s over.”

“No way. If we’ve all had to endure it, so can you,” Harley replied, not feeling the least bit sympathetic.

The sound of engines revving filled the air. It had been a few months since Blake’s accident, and Knight was relentless on setting up another race night. He had been itching to get at King and prove he was the rightful King of the Carolinas. Fox, Neil, and Blake were also on the hook. Something about reputation, and all that. I was dead set against it, but I knew it was something Blake needed to get out of his system if he was ever going to feel confident behind the wheel of a racecar again.

So, during the weeks prior to the race, he worked on the Camaro that technically wasn’t street race ready, but it was all he had. King and Fox came over to help get the car to a place where he was comfortable using it to compete.

On race night, I watched as the crew prepped the Camaro and brought it to the starting line while my heart felt like it was going to sink into the pit of my stomach. I knew how important it was to him to do this, and I hoped it was worth it. When the race master, Jungle Jim, took his place in front of Blake and the white Pontiac Le Mans, he waved both cars forward. With engines rumbling and smoke flying, the race master took three steps back and clicked on the flashlight. Both cars took off simultaneously with the Le Mans pulling slightly ahead. With each passing second, my disappointment for Blake grew. While he was on the tail of the white car, he didn’t seem to be able to pull in front. Then, as if things couldn’t get worse, the Le Mans started to wobble from side to side, causing Blake to steer away in an attempt to avoid a collision. Both cars kept speeding forward on unsteady tires as I heard myself begin to scream.

Oh no, not again!

Blake was the first to recover, and a split second later, he was crossing the finish line, beating the Le Mans by half a car length. My shrieks of terror turned into howls of excitement.

“He did it! He did it!” I was running to the Camaro just as Blake was returning to the starting line. As soon as he saw me, he threw the car in park and jumped out, meeting me halfway.

“Oh my God, you did it!” I threw my arms around his neck as he picked me up and swung me in circles. I could feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest as he squeezed me tightly to him. He had been scared to death and riding on an adrenaline high at the same time. “You won, Blakey. You did it and you won!” He nodded but didn’t speak as he continued to hold me.

“Well, ain’t that some cute shit,” Knight said from behind us. “I hate to break up this fuckin’ weird brother-sister moment, but we’ve got more races and I need you to get your car off the line.”

Blake released me and narrowed his eyes at Knight. If only they’d been able to race each other.

Maybe someday.

Following Blake’s race, Fox successfully dragged his opponent. The gap between the Viper and the other car was so far it was really quite embarrassing.