“He has to what? Race? Why?”

“It’s part of the plan.”

“What plan?”

“To take back the list from Knight.” When I stood there, not bothering to hide my confusion, he explained. “The only legit way to get that back is for my brother’s lineup to go through all ten of Knight’s racers.”

“Who gives a shit about Knight’s list? Why can’t King just make his own and be done with it?”

“There’s no respect in that. Knight has claimed the title King of the Carolinas by using a technicality in Mack’s rules. To get it back, Mack and his racers have to work the list just like everyone else. If he can knock out Knight’s guys, it will be a victory much sweeter than just ignoring it all. Everyone wants to see it happen. Mack has been on top for so long that he hasn’t had to get dirty for a long time.”

“But what about all the court stuff he’s dealing with?”

“Court stuff?” Brando scoffed. “I think that piece of shit detective, Rollins, fucked things up pretty bad for law enforcement. My brother’s lawyer is threatening a lawsuit for what that cop did to Jonna, so nobody is coming near my brother or this island for a while.”

I knew about Detective Rollins attacking Jonna outside of her apartment and how it led to King’s release from jail. I also suspected it was part of the reason she moved away with her husband so quickly. All the men I knew had raging tempers when it came to the things they cared about, and Blake was no exception.

“Brando, I need to get to that race. I have to at least talk to Blake and see where his head is.” He nodded slowly, fully accepting the fact that I was going to go with or without him.

“Fine, let’s go.”

It occurred to me on the way to The Spot that it was the first time I’d ever felt uneasy about going. I’d always looked forward to getting there and whom I might see. It felt like my heart sped up a little faster with every mile. I had no idea what I would say to Blake, especially after the way he looked at me the last time I saw him. The anger and hurt on his face had broken my heart. Placing one hand on my lower belly, I knew I had to tell him the truth.

Once Brando pulled into the open field, I knew things were already underway. I found Jonna standing next to King’s bright red Mustang.

“Jonna!” I called out as I hurried toward her. When she turned, there was exhilaration all over her face. She’d always had a passion for the racing scene, just like her father and brothers.

“Hey, what are you doing here? You look like hell.” Her ice-blue eyes gave me the once over until her gaze landed on my stomach, and then it was as if she suddenly remembered. “Oh, that’s right. You’re preg—”

“Shhh.” I instantly put a hand to her mouth and gave her a warning glare. When confusion furrowed her brow, I leaned forward and whispered, “Not everyone knows, and I kind of want to keep it that way for a while, okay?”

She nodded and pried my hand away from her mouth. “Ew, your hand smells like saltwater.” Ignoring her comment, I began to search the crowd.

“Where’s Blake?” I stood on my tiptoes, trying to see over people.

“Lining up. He races first.”

“No!” I pushed through the crowd with my friend following close behind. I’d almost made it to the open space when Jonna yanked me back.

“Tayia, wait! What’s wrong?”

“I’ve got to get to Blake.”


“I just need to talk to him.” I tugged my arm from her grasp only to have her swiftly step in front of me.

“You can’t. It’s too late.” She pointed to Blake’s crew. “They won’t let you over there.” Glancing to the starting area, I knew the race was within the last critical moments before starting. Blake’s Chevy Nova and his opponent’s Impala were completing their burnouts. As their tires spun over the liquid, thick white clouds of smoke billowed above them, making it impossible for me to see.

“Jonna, I can’t let him race angry. He thinks the baby is Brando’s and—”

“Brando?” she interrupted. “Why does he think that?”

“Because I’m so stupid. He confronted Brando and me at the dock. He made an assumption, and I didn’t try to correct things. I let him storm off angry.” I rubbed a weary hand over my face several times, trying to erase the memory of the hurt in his eyes as he walked away. “Look, I just need to talk to him.”

It was at that moment Hunter Knight’s voice rang out from his position in front of the cars. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he drawled out with a slick grin, “it looks like we’re just about ready. Everyone who’s raced here for the past few months is familiar with the wild card rules. If you’re not, listen up.” He paused for a moment as he glanced around. “Each racer draws a card with a number on the list they’re racing for. If you draw your own spot, you’re safe. If you draw a spot below you, your ass better be fast enough to at least beat that spot to not move down. If you lose, you fall down the list. If you jump high and lose, you go back to your spot, unless someone else challenges you.”

He rubbed his hands together greedily and licked his lips before he continued. “Blaze Jones pulled the card for the eighth spot and will be racing Violator Vic. After that, Sly Fox will race for the third spot, and King, by a struck of pure fuckin’ luck, will race me for the title.” There were some jeers from the crowd and Knight raised his hand. “I ain’t worried. I ain’t worried at all.”