Wild, tight, huge, erect, naked
Bare, throbbing, strong, swollen, gentle, stiff, raging
The Flavors of Dirty Talk
? Give Her Commands/Tell Her What You Want
? Reading Erotica to Her
? Compliments and Praising Her Body
? Sensual Descriptions That Lead to Dirtier Descriptions
? Describe What You Are Doing to Her in Vivid Detail As You Do It
? Tell Her What She is Feeling As You Stimulate Her
? Assertive Questions
Base your “harshness” of dirty talk on her arousal level. The greater her arousal, the dirtier your words can be. Start slow with sensual descriptions of her body, how she is feeling, romantic talk, etc. Allow your words to become more sexualized as she gets more turned on. In short, get dirtier with your language as her arousal increases.
Women will respond with sexual eagerness to filthy words and behaviors during sex, you just have to know her TYPE of filth and/or know how to PRESENT “filth” with proper conviction. That’s why you always match your dirty talk to her level of arousal, at least until you can better control her arousal by maintaining a strong and assertive mentality.
Dirty Talk: A Philosophical Inquiry
Good dirty talk begins with asking yourself the right questions at the right time.
Why are you saying what you are saying? What is your purpose behind it? What experience are you looking to give her with your words?
Before seeking to memorize phrases, ask yourself these questions and convey the answers to her with vivid multi-sensory detail:
? What do you want to do to her?
? How would you do it?
? What would you make her do?
? How would you make her beg for it?
? What would she feel when you [insert stimulation]?
? How would she feel it?
Use questions like the above to evoke great dirty talk and don’t pay too much attention to the phrases I will list for you later on.
This is far more useful rather than reading blurbs instructing you to fill in the blanks like “You want me to [kiss, lick, suck, stroke your [Adjective] [Genitals]”
Ask yourself what you want her to experience, when you want her to experience, and how. Your mindset and intentions place volumes of words and phrases at your dispersal if you have internalized empowering beliefs (sexual and otherwise).
How to Say Your Dirtiness
Let’s start this section off with three important principles. Let them form the foundation of your “how to say it” knowledge and its application.
1] The more detailed and passionate your language is, the greater the effect it has on her. However, dirty talk isn't so much about words as conveying your lust or passion to her and allowing her to fully express her own. You want her to feel how you feel and/or amplify her own feelings. Whatever you feel, she feels.
2] The extent of your dirty talk effectiveness is contingent upon your language vividness, the power of the emphasis behind it, your ability to lead her, and your frame of sexual assertion. Wield your deft and assertive tongue for good! Let all of your dirty talk come from a place of authenticity, integrity, and consideration for her needs (sexual and otherwise).
3] Focus on how much you enjoy her and her body. Focus on how your body feels when she touches you and how aroused you get when she pleasures you. Let the foundations of your words be genuine FEELING. Feel your words as you say them to the fullest extent you can. Words packed with congruent emotions behind them come across as much more powerful to her.