Page 19 of Orgasmic Dirty Talk

? Tease the nape of her neck, the soft spots behind her knees, the inner crease of her elbows

? Trace lines down the sides of her rib cage and her back with your fingertips

? Tease until she must have you, tease her until she’s so aroused that it’s frustrating her to not have release

? Place your hands barely on her favorite hot spots but don’t attempt to stimulate them yet. Make her aware of the fact that you have your hand there, but not doing anything with it. Tease her until she gives a sigh of frustration, when she does, give her dominant eye contact and tell her to “ask nicely like a good girl” or “say please” with a devilish grin on your face. Make it fun.

Now I’m not saying taking take 3 hours every time you have sex, but I am saying to convey to her that you are tuned into exactly how her arousal works. Do this marathon teasing and marathon sex at least once a month. Her body needs to be warmed up, at least until she’s so addicted to you that her mind starts to give her more “foreplay” than you ever could. Make your job much easier in the future by putting in the “hard work” now. Once she’s aware that you know how much pleasure she deserves AND that you can give it to her any time…the addiction and responsiveness starts to solidify. She’s starting to trust and respect your sexual power much more deeply.

4] Have Her Masturbate Her Way to Responsiveness

Another thing you can do is make her masturbate for you. Have her masturbate while you narrate a fantasy into her ear. Pick a fantasy you know she will respond powerfully to, something she has possibly mentioned before. Make the fantasy real. Bring it to life with vivid sensory rich detail. Make sure her imagination is creating the fantasy, in real life. You will be able to tell because she will be writhing, moaning, and going crazy with pleasure if so. If she comes, she is further convinced that she is responsive to you. Orgasms are the ultimate convincers. The final proof.

The key to this section and your sex life, the one thing you MUST LEARN to be sexually powerful is the ability to tap into and utilize your masculine desire.

The Magic of Responsiveness Skeletons

Dirty talk is one of the best ways for making a woman highly sexually responsive to you and your stimulation. You want that because it implicitly demonstrates your sexual power to her and gives her the strong emotions she craves to experience.

The benefits of responsiveness (if they aren’t obvious):

-Powerful sensations and emotions evoked by your voice and touch

-High sexual immersion and deep emotional connection with you

-Makes real whatever you tell her to do, say, or feel (she allows you to create her sexual reality)

Powerful stuff, right? You won’t believe any of it until you experience it for yourself. Without further ado, responsiveness “skeletons” you can steal and use for your personal gain. I call them skeleton because they aren’t scripts or verbatim lines for you to copy, but rather skeletons for you to flesh-out and see the underlying structures. Pay more attention to the language structure and order, implied emotional/vocal intensity, and the dominance rather the words of each skeleton, unless I specify otherwise.

Basic Dirty Crescendo:

During foreplay or before sex you simply ask something similar to

“How does t

hat feel,” or “You like that, don’t you?”

This gets her to focus on the sensations she is feeling and evokes a simple “good” or “yes” from her. She is being lulled into her own pleasure. Remember to TELL her questions assertively. Repeat this for a while as you are stimulating her, whispering it in her ear or saying it softly and hypnotically. Pay attention to her responses each time you ask. If she sounds more excited, say something like:

“Yeah, having my fingers/hand/whatever does feel good doesn’t it?”

Be careful not to overly repeat these so as to dilute its effect and end up sounding like you have no clue what she is feeling. After she is clearly more aroused, you repeat yourself with a few differences:

“HOW MUCH do you like that?” or “TELL ME how much you like it.” if she doesn’t respond right away to the first question.

Then say:

“That feels SOOO good?” or “You like that SOOOO much”

(You are pacing her reality, saying it with certainty. Of course it is feeling good, but asking focuses her mind and makes it that much more visceral)

Her responses will be something like “Yeah, so much” or “Yeah, so good” If she is saying more than that, you are on the right track. This method works well even with women who have a difficult time talking dirty or feel slightly uncomfortable doing so. From here on out you are continually stimulating her and building her arousal.

You can optionally escalate things further by saying:

“How much do you need/want it?”

Both are great to use. When you get to this point, be more forceful in your vocal intensity because her arousal is very high and you want to elicit an even larger response from her. You don’t want to scream, but you want to use a powerful voice. The most important idea of this skeleton is the idea of the buildup. If you did your job right, she will say things like: