Riding a bike once felt weird didn’t it? But with practice, you got better at it. Feeling comfortable using dirty talk is no different than any other skill, it requires that you practice and learn from your errors. Reassure yourself and your lady that you both won’t judge each other for what comes out of your mouths.

Dirty talk usually only sounds silly to her if she doesn’t respect you sexually and/or she has limiting beliefs about sex. Once more: You must be sexually confident and do it with absolute conviction…only then will she take you serious and respond powerfully. If she responds powerfully to you and your voice/words, then you know for sure that she respects you.

You being comfortable with dirty talk boils down to your beliefs about sex. Beliefs shape how you perceive reality. Societal and cultural programming has affected nearly everyone’s perception of what sex is or is not. Society and culture have their purpose, but the reality of the situation is that we are all sexual beings. Especially women.

Decide for yourself what sex means instead of letting society, culture, and your upbringing make that decision.

If you can’t talk about sex with your lady…trust me, you won’t be having it in any meaningful quantity soon. The infrequent moans, grunts, or groan you make aren’t helping your case either.

Being “good” at dirty talk can be distilled into two essential points, if:

1] You enjoy sex without shame or guilt and do not label it as wrong or bad

2] You are confident and congruent in your actions and words

Then she will love you talking dirty to her. Say what you feel without concerning yourself about what YOU THINK she’s thinking. Let her think for herself. Tend to your own thoughts, do not speculate about hers.

She wants exciting sex, of which dirty talk is a crucial ingredient.

2] What If I Sound Silly To Her?

If your dirty talk is sounding silly to her, then it’s possible that you are not commanding respect from her OR she’s not deeply immersed into sexual trance. Women often go into a “sexual trance” when they are being kissed and caressed in ways their bodies instinctively prefer. If you increase her arousal via kissing, touching, etc. then she will experience a deeper sexual immersion. It is the sexual state where the power of dirty talk is amplified.

If she’s not respecting you sexually, that’s a whole ‘nother book my man. If you aren’t tired of me saying it already…it’s your crappy sexual beliefs causing nearly all of your problems about sex.

Note: She will relate to everything you are saying if your intentions are to focus on her pleasure.

If your focus is on how hot she is, how aroused she makes you, how you can’t wait to be inside of her…she will feel this because it is directed at her and subsequently makes her feel desired and special to you. If you’re focus is on cumming on her tits, how you are going to destroy her pussy, how you can’t wait to cum, etc. then it’s harder for her to relate to that because you could be talking about any girl, not only her.

In other words, if you were having sex and she whispered “I love cock” into your ear versus “I love YOUR cock,” which one would you prefer? Make her the focus of your dirty talk and sexual fireworks are bound to happen.

3] Will Dirty Talk Offend Her?

Many men feel uncomfortable about talking dirty in the bedroom thinking that she will take it the wrong way and end up offended and insulted. During sex, words and actions are interpreted in a different context however. As sexual arousal increases, the context changes and dirty talk is interpreted differently and she will not be offended. It will actually increase her excitement. Why? My speculation is that her beliefs and desires about sex are being confirmed in a positive manner by a man she places sexual value on.

Dirty talk allows her to stay focused on the moment and the sensations she feels. A lot of women tend to have wandering minds during sex; especially if the sex is horrible and doesn’t engage their emotions strongly.

Your voice is a beacon that calls her back to this moment and what she’s feeling.

Once again, a woman’s sexuality is mostly mental and dirty talking is an excellent way to enhance psychological stimulation during sex. I want you to burn that into your mind: A woman’s sexuality is mostly mental.

But you must be dominant and do it with absolute conviction.

NOTE: When I say dominant, I mean sexually assertive. Everything within this eBook is for sexually consenting adults. The fact that I even needed to point that out is absurd. If you have a problem with the word dominance, replace it with “sexual assertion.”

Be the way, if you need me to tell you to respect women and that talking dirty should be fun and pleasurable for her…then your critical thinking skills need improvement.

Respecting women includes respecting her cravings and desires to be taken and ravished with wild passion. She wants to feel, touch, and fuck a MAN!

This is a guide for MEN, not boys. Leave your petty inhibitions and judgments at the door. You can pick ‘em up later if need be. Before discounting what I have to say, apply it for a month first and develop your own opinion.

Keep in mind that in order for dirty talk to work, you must have unwavering belief in yourself...absolute conviction in your words. Confidence. Balls. If it’s not working for you…ask her how the bad boys in her past used to fuck and talk to her during sex, and then imitate them without spewing abuse at her and calling it “dirty talk.”

All of her best sexual memories contain STRONG EMOTION. That’s what dirty talk is good at creating. “Bad boys” are great at creating strong emotion in women. She’s had a few in her life and I guarantee she remembers the sex. If you’re not the “bad boy” in her life…buckle up and become one!

Your dominance allows her to let go and fully experience her sexuality. Your dominance is permitted due to consensual sexual power exchange. She gets to be “out of control” if you are in control. This frees her from having to initiate anything. She gets to be slutty, without being a slut.

If she doesn’t like something you are doing or feels pain or discomfort, she will let you know. Tell her to let you know.