I braced myself, turned the handle, and pushed the door open.

Ten-year-old Dimitri Guryev was sitting up in a twin bed, a small rose circle of dried blood showing through the gauze that wrapped his head. He had an iPad in his lap and was watching a closed-captioned Harry Potter movie.

The boy must have glimpsed my shadow because he looked up, saw me, and shrank back in fear.

“It’s okay,” I said, even though I knew he couldn’t hear me.

I showed him my open hands, and then my badge.

Seeing the badge, he said in an odd, nasal voice that was difficult to understand, “What do you want? Where’s my mother? Where’s my father?”

My stomach sank.

I turned around and saw Mahoney, who was standing in the doorway, looking stricken at the boy’s loss.

“Get sheets over the bodies,” I said. “And close the door to his mother’s bedroom. I don’t want him seeing any of it.”



A few hours later, Bree looked up from a memo she was writing. Alex trudged into her office, shut the door behind him, and sat down hard.

“Sometimes I hate my job,” he said. “Sometimes it’s just too much.”

Bree rarely saw him this upset. “What happened?” she said softly.

“I had to tell a ten-year-old totally deaf boy that his mother and father had been murdered and that he was an orphan now,” Alex said, his eyes watering. “I don’t know if it was due to the deafness, Bree, but the grieving sounds he made were like nothing I’ve ever heard before, just gut-wrenching. I couldn’t stop thinking about Ali as I held the poor kid.”

He sat forward and put his head in his hands. “Jesus, that was hard.”

Bree got up, came around the desk, and hugged him. “Maybe you were meant for the hard things, Alex. Maybe you were meant to help people through these terrible moments.”

“I couldn’t help that child,” Alex said. “I couldn’t get through to him. After I showed him the note that said his mom and dad were dead, he wouldn’t read anything I wrote. He won’t read anything anyone writes. He’s suffering in total silence, in total isolation.”

Bree hugged him tighter. “You feel too much sometimes.”

“Can’t help it,” he said.

“I know,” she said. “But we need you to buck up and push on.”

Alex hugged her tight and then broke their embrace, saying, “You would have been a great cornerman in a boxing match.”

“Clean them, patch them, and send them back out there with Vaseline on their brows,” Bree said. “That’s me.”

He kissed her, said, “Thank you for being you.”

Bree once again realized how much she loved him. She loved everything about him. Even when he was wounded, Alex filled her up.

Her phone rang.

“Yes?” she said.

“This is Ned,” Mahoney said.

“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Bree said.

The FBI agent sounded distraught and sad. “I appreciate that, Bree. They were four of my best.”