“I’m not okay, Drew.”

He studies my face, waiting for me to explain what’s going on, and I feel my emotions on the rise. “Mia,” I choke out. “I saw you two kissing.”

Drew comes to me and pulls me into his arms. “Court.”

“I’ve never felt this insecure before, but she… What you two had for so long has me second-guessing everything. My feelings have always been there for you, and I can’t stop the thoughts inside that think I’m not good enough or that your history with her is much stronger than ours. All that came to light when I saw her touching you.”

I’m trying to hold back tears, and it’s so damn hard. Drew doesn’t let me go; instead, he does exactly what I hadn’t expected him to do—kiss me. I pour myself into that kiss, hoping to God it’s not the last one I ever experience with him.

He smiles and wipes a single tear from my face. “Did you feel that?”

I nod, my heart beating and emotions swirling. When his lips pressed against mine, it was like nothing in the world mattered but the two of us. That’s how I’ve always felt.

He grabs my chin and forces me to look into his eyes. “I don’t know what you saw exactly. But I have nothing to hide from you ever. Mia came to me, tried to kiss me, and I pushed her away then told her off. For the first time in years, I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was like, as gross as it sounds, kissing my sister. I was so fucking pissed and finally found the words to tell her exactly what I should’ve said a long time ago. I was shocked to see her there, but trust me when I say the only person I wanted at that moment was you.”

He pulls me back into his arms, and I wrap my arms around his waist.

“I’m sorry,” Drew whispers. “It meant absolutely nothing. I’m sorry my ex is crazy. I should’ve realized it earlier.”

I pull away from him and search his face. “I was coming to tell you how much you mean to me. Logan’s speech…” I swallow hard. “I don’t ever want to lose you, Drew. Your job is so…dangerous and…”

“Come here.” Drew runs his fingers through my hair, and I lean into his gentle touch. “Every day I put on that uniform and leave, the first thing I think about is staying safe so I can come home to you. I’m not going anywhere.” He smiles. “And I’ve got the best partner on the force.”

My heart does somersaults when he drags his lips against mine.

“Now, about paying for those muffins.”

He gives me a heated look, and I give him an evil grin. “I’ve been thinking about that, actually.” I run my fingers up his chest.

“Uh huh,” he says, a cute smile forms on his lips.

“You can say no if you want to,” I tease, knowing his mind is somewhere else.

“Maybe, maybe not.”

I smile. “I’d like you to come to Texas with me in a couple of weeks for my cousin, Benita’s wedding. Also, to meet my parents and brothers.”

A big smile covers his face, and it makes me happy to know he’s not shocked at all by this crazy request. My parents and brothers have heard so much about Drew that it’s almost crazy I haven’t asked him sooner. But I feel as if our relationship could head in a direction where he needs to meet them. Instead of him wanting an explanation, he pulls me close and kisses up my neck.

As I sigh, he whispers in my ear. “Deal.”



After the day we’ve had, I just want to lay low the rest of the night and be alone with Courtney. I know she worries about me when I’m on duty, but it’s something all officers go through. The constant fear of not returning home to our loved ones never goes away, but it’s a sacrifice I’d never regret pursuing.

“So, any chance you made extra muffins and hoarded them in the freezer?” I ask, arching my brow and remembering the last time we stuffed our faces with muffins from the freezer.

She blushes and then smiles. “It’s like you know me well or something.” She opens the freezer door and grabs a Ziploc bag that’s packed full.

“Not that I’d normally eat a muffin, but since it’s one of yours—”

“—that you made me bake five hundred of,” she interrupts with a knowing smile.

“Yes, so I figure I better have a few of them.”

She peels the bag open and sets them down on the counter. “They need to thaw a bit. I can make some dinner first. Maybe some pasta and wine.”

“You don’t have to do that,” I say, pulling her into my chest. “You baked all the muffins; let me make dinner.”