See you soon!!

Love you


Once I hit send and finish up a few weekly projects, Drew is due any moment to bring us lunch. I hope whatever it is, it’s injected with ten pounds of caffeine so I can actually stay awake to finish the rest of my shift.

When he arrives, his hair is down to one side, showing off his long, dark locks in the middle. I love when he pulls it up, but my panties nearly combust when he leaves it down.

“Are you gawking?” He tilts his head to one side, eyeing me.

“I’m looking at you like I’ve always looked at you,” I reply with a smirk. “You’ve just never noticed it before.”

He smiles as he unloads the bag. Inside are two pieces of cake.

“You brought us cake for lunch?”

“I brought you cake for lunch. The other one I plan to save for later.”

“For later?” I ask with hesitation.

“Remember when I said you smelled like buttercream?”

I nod.

“Now you’ll taste like it, too.”

I take a longer lunch than normal, but I can’t even feel guilty about it today. As I’m sitting at my desk, Jayden comes over and stares at me with a big cheesy grin on his face.


“Girl, did I just see you locking lips with Drew Fisher?”

I smile, not meeting his eyes. “You sure did.”



I deliver lunch to Courtney and can’t stop smiling the entire way home as the sweetness of her lips linger on mine. I wished I could’ve captured her and spent the rest of the afternoon together, but I know she’d never skip, especially with Travis gone. Later that night, I cook dinner, and it becomes a battle of the wits. It’s hard to keep my hands off her body when she’s wearing little shorts and a sports bra.

Throughout the weekend, we’re too busy teasing and enjoying each other. Randomly when I’d look at her, my heart would beat a little harder. Each time we’d touch and when our lips pressed together, my body would instantly react. With Courtney, it’s different, and as hard as it is, I don’t want to rush this. But she’s determined to watch me crack under pressure.

Saturday night, we decide to stay in and watch action movies with tons of explosions, but this time I hold her in my arms. It’s almost frightening how right it feels. All this time, she’s been right here waiting for me, supporting my choices, regardless if they were the right ones or not. Eventually, she falls asleep in my arms, and I carry her to bed. I lay her down against the mattress, and she lets out a little moan when her head hits the pillow.

“Don’t go,” she whispers sweetly and reaches for me. I lean down until our lips connect and smile. I don’t want to go, and it’s hard to say no to her. Already I’m ruined.

“I’m not,” I say, crawling in her bed, and she lays her head against my chest as we fall asleep.

Sunday comes early, earlier than I expected, and I wake up without an alarm. I feel like I’m dreaming as I glance over and see Courtney. I’m not used to being like this with her. I let out a yawn and press my eyes tightly together before opening them again. I’m not thrilled to be awake because I have to be at work at three. Then again, I did promise Viola I’d be at the airport when she and Travis arrived home.

“Court,” I whisper, “we have to get going so we’re not late.”

“Mm, just twenty more minutes. My alarm hasn’t gone off yet.” She moves her body close to mine and her eyes flutter open. “I’m not dreaming, right?” Her hand trails down my stomach until she has me in her hand. “Nope.” She smiles, stroking my cock.

I release a groan, knowing I’ve got to take control before I lose it completely.

“Now who’s not playing fair?” I ask, pulling her tighter into my arms.

“Your rules aren’t fair, so we’re even.” She gives me a smirk before wrapping her leg over mine and pinning me down.

I dig my fingers into her hips, and she lifts an eyebrow before slowly rocking against me.

“You don’t want to play this game, trust me,” I say.

She laughs before bending down and kissing me. “You’ll lose every time.”

She holds back a smile knowing she’s already won because every minute I’m with her, I’m ready to throw my logic out the window.

“I’m going to shower; you’re more than welcome to join me, Deputy…if you can handle it.” She stands and turns and looks at me with a smile on her face before strutting to the bathroom. Before walking out of the room, she turns around and bites her bottom lip. I shake my head at her but can’t hold back the smile that fills my face.