“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks.

I tilt my head and see his lips spread into a sweet grin.

“You owe me a dance.”

“Says who?” I tease.

“Are you resisting, Ms. Bishop?” He arches a brow as if in warning.

YES! YES, I AM, OFFICER, I scream to myself, but my mouth goes dry even without saying a word.

“You couldn’t handle me if I did,” I say without thinking. He mutters something under his breath, but I don’t quite catch it.

He wraps his arm around my waist and places his hand in mine. He pushes our bodies close as we begin to move to the music. “You’re drunk.” He narrows his eyes at me, and I’m pretty sure he’s not happy about it.

“Is that why they pay you the big bucks?” I quip. “So observant.”

“Good lord, Court.” He shakes his head at me, and I can tell I’m getting under his skin.

“You miss her,” I say, realizing that he must be hurting even if I hate her guts. He was supposed to be here with her and now being here must be making him think about it even more. “I’m sorry. I should’ve realized.”

“It’s not your fault,” he reassures me. “I don’t know if I miss her or just the idea of her.”

I furrow my brows, not understanding. “What’s the difference?” I ask, our bodies still flowing in motion to the very song that I could’ve written myself.

“I don’t really know. We’ve been together for so long that I’ve just gotten used to being with someone and having someone to care about. I’ve forgotten what it feels like to not have that.” He blinks and looks down at me. “Does that sound crazy?”

I shake my head because it really doesn’t. “No, we all get stuck in our routines, even if they aren’t good for us. I remember feeling that way with Toby. I was so used to us being together that anytime we weren’t, I was fighting for us to be even when it no longer made sense. That didn’t stop the pain, though. Once I figured out how to live life without him, I no longer needed that relationship validation. I learned that being alone was okay. It’s hard, though. We’re affectionate creatures by habit.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t go sleep around after you and Toby broke up.” Unlike Mia.

“No, instead I cried myself to sleep every night as I listened to One Direction and Taylor Swift.” I wrinkle my nose. “And baked.”

“So, if I listen to pop songs and eat sugar, I’ll feel better?” he playfully asks.

I shrug with a smile. “It hasn’t let me down yet.”

“Good to know.” He wraps an arm around me and pulls me tighter to his chest. “Thanks for being my best friend, Court.”

Another piece of my heart shatters at his words. If only he could see what’s right in front of him…

I sing the lyrics that talk about falling in love in my head and wonder what it would feel like to just have him for one night, for him to see me the way I see him.

The song fades away, and I expect him to release me, but he doesn’t. His grip tightens, and I inhale his earthy scent.

“Want another drink?” His words break the tension, and reluctantly, we break apart.

“Sure,” I say. Watching as he heads to the bar, Logan leans against the bar top waiting for Drew with a smile. Looks like the guy does know how to loosen up, after all.

“Isn’t he dreamy?” I hear Kayla next to me sigh as she stares at Logan. “Too bad he’s barely looked at me.”

“I know the feeling,” I mutter, mostly to myself.

An hour passes along with several drinks before we prepare to send off the happy couple. The crowd hasn’t died down; they’re rowdier than before, but it’s late, and my bed is calling me.

Before they leave, Viola finds me and wraps her arms tightly around me. “I love you, Courty. I wuv you so much! Thanks for being the bestest maid of honor ever!” She presses sloppy kisses on my cheek as she slurs her words.

Chuckling at her being a lightweight, I squeeze her back. “I love you more, Lola.” I smile as I pull back and look into her eyes. “Use protection,” I warn in a stern voice. “You’re the most fertile person on Earth I know.”

She snorts and nods in agreement. “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ve tied, twisted, and taken every action possible to make sure no more babies.”

Travis comes and pulls her away just as Drew wraps his arm over my shoulders.

“One more dance?” he whispers, the closeness of his lips sends shivers down my body. I know he thinks it’s harmless, but every time my body reacts to his, another part of me wants to die.

“The DJ is packing up all his equipment, Drew. There’s no more music,” I tell him, realizing he’s drunker than I thought. “We should call for a cab.”