I grab my dress and shoes and slow down to glance at Drew as I walk past the kitchen. He’s making a protein shake, shirtless, and all I can see are his tattoos and muscles cascading down his back. The man is total sex on legs, and he’s so blind he can’t even see what he does to women, but that’s my bestie. Oblivious.

Drew turns around and smiles at me staring, and I own it.

“Hope you’re ready for the party of a lifetime,” I say, shooting him a wink.

“I’m more than ready, Bishop.”

I laugh and head out the door.

On the way to the salon, I stop and pick up a venti white chocolate mocha with an extra shot for Viola and three shots of espresso for me. On the way to the salon, I see a donut shop and decide to stop and order twelve donuts with icing in all different pretty colors. I’m sure I’m not the only one who could use it after yesterday. If Viola smells carbs, she’s going to give me the same look that Drew always does.

I arrive ten minutes early because I hate being late, and as I walk in, I can tell Viola’s nervous.

“I got coffee because I love you. Do you have any idea how crowded Starbucks is on a Saturday morning?”

I walk across the room and hand it to her with a sly smile.

“You know me too well. But donuts? Ugh. I can’t,” she says because she’s given up carbs for the wedding.

“Oh, all the donuts are for me. I’m not sharing.” I shoot her a wink, and Kayla grabs a pink frosted one with sprinkles.

“She was just complaining about needing coffee,” Kayla says.

Viola glares at her.

“It’s true,” Ashley says.

Viola smiles and takes a sip of her coffee then dramatically sighs.

“Did you just have an orgasm? Because I’m pretty sure you did.” I laugh.

“Starbucks does it to me every time,” Viola says.

I’m placed in a salon chair across from her. The woman that does my hair has it washed and blown out quick. The girls are already getting their makeup done and soon I’m joining them. I could get used to this type of treatment. Contouring has never looked so easy.

The bridesmaids dress first, and then we all help Viola into her layers of Spanx without messing up her hair. I help touch up her lipstick and mascara just before we head down to the chapel. I can tell she’s nervous, but she has nothing to be nervous about.

“You look stunning,” I tell her. “Travis is going to have a hard time keeping his hands off you.”

“How’s that different from any other time?” She laughs, completely serious, though. Their love is intense and has been since the first day.

“Well, hopefully, he can keep it in his pants until you two are back home behind closed doors.”

She snorts. “Doubt it.”

The bridesmaids pair up with their groomsmen except me. Drew is already standing next to Travis as he waits for his bride. They both look so handsome in their tuxedos and vests. Viola wanted yellow and maroon colors, after her Potter house, but Travis wasn’t on board, so they compromised on red and black. The guys have red vests under their black suits with a matching red tie. They’re fitted nicely and shows off their muscles, or rather, Drew’s muscles because that’s the only person I’m staring at.

Viola had all her bridesmaids wear matching red dresses to match the tuxedos except for the maid of honor. I wore the same style dress but in black. At first, I wasn’t sure how it’d look all together, but once we all were dressed and standing in line, it looks really elegant.

“Ready?” I turn to Viola just before it’s my turn to walk down. The music is soft and slow, but will soon change when Viola starts walking down. “If I trip, just let me fall. Don’t even try to save me,” I tell her, hoping it helps her smile.

It does, and she laughs, her face visibly relaxing. She nods, adjusting her bouquet for the hundredth time. The wedding coordinator motions for me.

“I love you,” I mouth to her.

“I love you, too,” she mouths back.

I turn and start making my way down the aisle. The church is filled, and I’m happy so many people have come to celebrate their love. They deserve this more than any other couple I know.



Watching my baby sister walk down the aisle in a wedding gown toward my best friend is the most surreal thing I’ve ever witnessed. I know she’s a grown woman and mother, but I still see her as my annoying kid sister who would fling grass snakes at me.

She’s beaming, smiling ear to ear and staring straight into Travis’ eyes. I glance at my best friend, standing at the front of the aisle, waiting for her. He smiles right back at her as he wipes a tear from his cheek. I’ve never seen him so happy.