“What’s wrong?” Travis asks. “Are they okay?”

I smile, realizing he never stopped watching me. Between him and Viola, I have no secrets. They both know me way too well.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. Apparently, Viola is getting tired and they, well everyone is going to leave except Court. She’s going to stay behind.”

“Tell her I said absolutely not. If something happens and she isn’t there for the wedding, it could be really bad.”

“You can’t control her,” I remind him.

“Oh, yes I can. I want Viola stress free tomorrow,” he says, grabbing my phone. He reads the texts above, and a wide smile crosses his face. “And you’re clearly jealous.”

I shake my head. “Am not.”

He types something then hands my phone back to me with a smirk before grabbing the whiskey bottle and heading back outside. “It’s taken care of. She’ll leave with everyone else.”

I look down at my phone and read what he sent her.

D: I’ll make it worth your while if you leave with Viola.

Not even a second later, my phone vibrates with her response.

C: Deal.


I don’t even know what the hell that text means but I’ll take it. Just as I predicted, Viola rounds us up like cattle and tells us she’s tired. But in her defense, she’s been running around like a mad woman for the past two weeks, while being a mom, fiancée, and best friend. Honestly, she might sleep for a month after the wedding, especially after all the sex they’ll be having during the honeymoon.

Travis still hasn’t told her where he’s taking her, which is totally romantic, but I demanded to know so I could help pack her suitcase. After the wedding, they’re flying to London for a week. It’s been one of her dream vacations for years but not because it’s freaking London, but because of the Harry Potter shit they have there. If I had to hear one more thing about Platform 9 ¾ and a muggle tour, I swore to myself I’d buy a plane ticket and ship her off, but thankfully she’s mentioned it to Travis enough he got the hint.

As soon as I found out, I kicked her out of their bedroom and packed her wand, cloak, and Gryffindor scarf in the bottom of her suitcase. I wish I were exaggerating, but I’m so not. I know, without a doubt, as soon as she gets on that plane and realizes where they’re heading, she’s going to ask Travis about her Hogwarts uniform or whatever the hell it’s called. Viola is a nerdy ass, but I love her. And I can’t wait to see the pictures.

The limo drops off Ashley and Kayla, and before they get out, we give each other hugs. We’re stupid drunk and tired. On the way back to Viola’s, she’s smiling like a crazy person.

“Tomorrow I’ll officially be Mrs. King. Do you think that’s weird?”

I can’t help but laugh. “Yup. But totally awesome too. Maybe one day, I’ll be Mrs. Fisher.”

Viola leans over and gives me a big hug. My jokes about her brother don’t even faze her anymore. “I hope so.”

Though she begs me to stay, I decide to go home to sleep in my own bed, plus it would be easier in the morning to get ready. The limo pulls up to my house, and I pull out a one-hundred-dollar bill and hand it to the driver for being awesome. At first, he refuses to accept it, but I use a little bit of my Southern charm and talk him into it. I like him; he reminds me of my Uncle Jack with his big curly mustache.

As soon as my heels hit the pavement, it’s impossible to ignore the big truck sitting in the driveway. I love a man with a truck who’s confident and not trying to overcompensate for something. Just give him a baseball cap, tattoos, and a pair of handcuffs, and I’m putty in his hand. My heart pounds hard just thinking about Drew and that damn text he sent. He’s made it very clear over the last few years that he’s not interested, but a girl can wish.

I swallow hard, pull up my big girl panties and walk inside only to realize I’m home alone. Dammit. I wash my face, change into some pajamas, and fall asleep in no time.

The day of the wedding…

As soon as the front door closes, I’m awake, and my mind is reeling. I can’t believe today is the day my best friend is getting married. The coffeemaker is dripping, and I try to push away how much Drew has poisoned my thoughts with that text. He’s home, and I’m half tempted to ask him about it, but I don’t.

Instead, I take a quick shower and change into some comfortable clothes before grabbing my dress. Viola has us scheduled for hair and makeup at eight thirty, and I’m going to be a great best friend and maid of honor and stop by Starbucks before I head over. If I bring her favorite coffee, she won’t say a word about the way I’m dressed. God, I’m evil.