Travis rented out a day spa for the afternoon and had a limo waiting to pick up Viola and swing by and get all the girls. It’ll be mimosas, manis and pedis, then we’re going to a karaoke bar downtown. I’ve got a cute little sash and tiara for Viola and sashes for the rest of the girls. Mine says Maid of Honor across the front, and the others say Bridesmaid, and we plan to be those stereotypical wedding party girls tonight. We’ll be the sexiest, smartest, women in all of Sacramento, and I can’t wait to go out and let loose.

Right on time, the limo picks me up at the house, and I make sure to bring the goodie bags and my purse with a change of clothes. I’m so freaking excited I can hardly contain myself. I climb inside and see a disco ball spinning around, reflecting shards of different colored lights throughout the back of the limo. The music is cranked, and the drinks are already flowing.

“The party has already started? Without me?” I ask, and they raise their glasses and give me high-pitched wooos in return. My happiness can no longer be contained as I sit next to my bestest friend in the entire world. I give her a big hug, and she hands me a drink.

“Oh stop, Court. If I start crying now, my fake eyelashes will fall off,” Viola says.

“I love you so much, and I’m just so excited for you. Totally being an emotional whore.” I fan my face. “Weddings always do that to me, but yours will be the most special one I’ve ever been to.”

“Aww, my little sensitive Southerner.” She chuckles. “It’s not like I’m moving away.”

“I would never allow it again. You basically had me confessing my undying love to you the last time you did that.” I smile thinking about everything that’s happened over the past year. She left for Boston a couple of years ago, and it was the worse six months of my life. And of course, Travis’ too.

However, each step has brought us to this exact moment in time, and through the thick and thin, Viola will be marrying the love of her life tomorrow. It makes me realize that one may have to put up with the bullshit to get to the unicorns and rainbows. She hasn’t had a perfect story, but it’s been a beautiful one, and I’m so honored to be a part of it.

Kayla is laughing at us as she pours more champagne to the brim of my glass. “Thanks, babycakes.” I really like her, and I’m so happy we became better friends over the last few months.

“You’re welcome, sugar pants!” she replies back, getting me.

The limo pulls up to the Elite Spa, and the driver opens the door. We all climb out, looking like supermodels with our perfect hair, long legs, and tight clothes. As we change into our robes for our massages, the woman brings mimosas for us along with a bouquet of flowers with a card attached to it for Viola.

Viola opens it, and I look over her shoulder and read it.

I love you, my Queen.

She gives me a big smile, closes it, and holds it against her heart then sighs.

“Oh my God. You two,” I say with a smile. “Team Traviola for the win.”

“You’ll be Team Drewtney in no time,” she says, the alcohol obviously taking over her mind.

“Don’t get your hopes up.” I snort.

We’re escorted into the massage room where four tables are set up. The only male therapist chooses me, and for some reason, I feel like I’ve won The Bachelor when his strong hands rub the kinks out of my neck.

“You’re so tight,” he says, and all I want to say is ‘that’s what he said’ but I decide against it. He digs his thumbs deeper into my muscles, and I’m putty in his strong hands. For once I wish there were happy endings with these things.

After our massages, I thank him stupidly and look around the room. Every single one of us has on our orgasm faces as we walk to the manicure room. I’m giddy, and my body is so relaxed; I feel weird.

“He was so hitting on you,” Viola says as we sit down next to each other. Kayla is on the other side of me.

“I wish I would’ve been lucky enough to get him. Damn girl,” she says, and I smile, happy that I was the chosen one.

“I wish I could get his number,” I say, almost joking as our tubs are filled with hot water.

We’re all completely relaxed and are given leg massages, warm wax and towels, along with our pedicures. Every time the woman runs the foot scrubber along my foot, I start giggling, which causes everyone else to start laughing.