I hear the water come on in the shower, and I lean my back against the kitchen counter and take a deep breath before I make our plates. The sound of the oven timer beeping brings me back to reality. It’s obvious he’s been avoiding me and tonight when we first saw each other, I felt a strange electricity stream between us, but then again, I always feel that when he looks at me. That nervousness I had before I officially moved in is back in full force, and I can’t help but laugh thinking about the day we first met.

Viola didn’t give me an option and demanded we visit her brother’s house so she could grab a few books she had left earlier in the week. We’ve been friends since freshman orientation, which was only a few months ago. When she pulled out notecards and made a joke about forgetting her pocket protector, I knew we’d be best friends for life.

Viola stormed into the house trying to grab everything before Travis came home since they hated each other. I followed behind her, but as soon as I turned my head, her brother Drew, who I had only heard stories of at that point, walked out of the kitchen wearing his cop uniform. It fit him in all the right places, and I swallowed hard as I nearly ran smack into a support beam in the living room.

“Are you all right?” he asked, concerned. His voice sounded like velvet, and I couldn’t believe he was Viola’s brother. He practically stole my voice, and I couldn’t find words as I blinked at him, completely stunned by his biceps and the tattoos peeking under his sleeves. He stepped toward me with a small smile on his face, and I hurried and spoke before he got any closer. Men didn’t usually make me nervous, but being around him, my palms instantly began to sweat, and my cheeks flushed. And it didn’t help one bit that I was imagining him naked.

“Fine,” I finally said. “Just wasn’t looking where I was going.”

…because I was too busy looking at you, but I wasn’t about to admit that.

He nodded and flashed a big grin at me, showing all his perfectly straight, white teeth. He ran his hands through his dark shaggy hair, and I couldn’t help but notice the color of his eyes—hazel. When we made eye contact, a strange bolt of electricity soared through me. No one had ever made my heart drop after a few words and a smile.

How in the hell was this Viola’s brother? She had never mentioned he was hot as hell or that he was a cop. She didn’t mention he’d be home when we arrived either. I felt like I should’ve been given some sort of warning or something.

Viola returned with a few books tucked into her arms and Drew gave me another smile then walked away. As soon as he was out of listening distance, I let out a sigh, and she glared at me. “Stop looking at my brother like you want to rip off his clothes!” she said with a groan.

I couldn’t find the strength to take my eyes off him as he walked down the hall to his bedroom. “I want to do a lot more than that…” I smile. “And those handcuffs—”

“All right, I get it,” she said, cutting me off as fast as she could. “You want to go all Fifty Shades on his ass.”

Just thinking about him and all the dirty things I’d do, I laughed. “Hot cop fantasy.”

Viola gave me another pointed look, and I shrugged unapologetically. The rest of the day, I couldn’t help but think about him. It was strange. We’d only exchanged a few words, but there was some sort of unspoken connection that I couldn’t explain.

He clears his throat as he stands in the doorway and I swallow hard as water drips from the tips of his long hair. A small part of me is grateful he’s avoided me for a week. It’s allowed me time to get my mind straight and accept his choices. It’s easier that way. Regardless if he’s dating someone who’s hateful, I have to respect that. I cannot allow my opinions to change our relationship.

I give him a smile and pile asparagus and chicken on two plates.

“This looks awesome,” he says as I hand a plateful of food to him. All I can do is smile.

I pull the cookies out of the oven and place them on the stovetop as they cool, then turn down the music and join him at the table. We eat in silence for awhile before I try to find the words to say to him, but I don’t want to push him. I make small talk instead about the wedding and weather. He doesn’t look at me, and it’s starting to bother me.