“Fuck me hard, Deputy,” she pleads. Wrapping her long blonde hair around my fist, I force her head back so I can look into her blue eyes and demand she beg for it like a good girl, and she does. I’m not sure what’s come over me, but there’s no stopping now, not while she’s looking back at me with hungry, greedy eyes.

I don’t go easy.

I give her every inch of me until she’s screaming obscenities.

“Yes. Harder. Much harder,” she demands, and I gladly do what I’m told. She screams out my name as her pussy tightens and she comes, and I continue pounding every inch of my cock until I feel warmth cover me.

“Drew… Please, Drew…” Her moans fade away, and soon her voice is completely gone.

Confused, I blink my eyes a few times until I’m fully awake. I start to realize what the fuck just happened, but I can’t comprehend it. I close my eyes tight, knowing I need to clean myself up and calm down. My dick is so damn hard that it hurts. I’ve not had a wet dream since I was a teenager and what’s even more awkward is who it was about.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Not once have I thought of Courtney that way. It’s weird, and I’m not sure what to make of it. It felt real and natural and already the images of her body against mine are haunting me. Since the day we met, I’ve seen her as one of the guys, my best friend and roommate, and nothing else. My subconscious has played a cruel fucking joke on me, one that I don’t think I’ll be able to forget any time soon.

Once I decide to get up and change clothes, I hear the front door swing open and click shut. Realizing I’ve got a mess in my pants because of Courtney, I sit back down and try to pretend she’s not here. I can’t bring myself to look her in the eye, and honestly, it might take me a while.


You know you’re having a bad day when even cheesecake can’t make it better. After my run in with Drew and Mia, I wasn’t in the mood to go dancing even though I was all dressed and ready to go. Kayla and I decided to go on a dessert date instead, and she’s been catching me up on all the juicy gossip on her horny neighbors. The whole time, I’ve been distracted thinking about Drew and haven’t really been listening to what she’s said.

“What’s going on?” Kayla asks, taking a huge bite of her strawberry cheesecake. Nothing gets past her.

“Life,” I say with a smile.

“Drew?” She winks at me.

“How’d you know?” I laugh.

“Because we’re basically twinsies, and it’s obvious how much you care about him.”

I sigh. “So how ‘bout those Cowboys?”

“Don’t change the subject.” She notices my deflection, a tactic I can never use against her.

“Drew’s girlfriend wants me to move out again, but it’s different this time. I don’t want Drew to choose me if she is really going to be what makes him happy, but I don’t think she is. It just hurts my heart. The sick thing is I would move if he wanted me to.”

Kayla’s mouth drops open. “Court, I’ve got a spare room or a couch if you need a place. And I don’t like this Mia chick. Everything I’ve heard about her over the years is just…ick.”

I laugh. “She’s a special kind of bitch.”

After a few hours of chatting with Kayla, we leave with hugs, and I drive home in silence, which is odd for me. Usually, I’m blaring pop music with the top down, allowing the wind to blow through my hair. Though the weather is perfect, I need time to think before I walk in and see Drew. There will be a day when we won’t be roommates because one of us will get married or in a serious relationship, but I didn’t think that day would be so soon. I never imagined Mia would give him an ultimatum. It’s low, lower than I thought she could go. Though it’s not the first time she’s demanded us apart, seeing the look on her face when she said it made it all too real.

As I pull into the driveway, I notice the Mercedes isn’t in my parking spot. I exhale, recompose myself, then walk in. Drew’s sitting on the couch but doesn’t acknowledge me when I enter, which amplifies the negative thoughts that rush through me. Maybe he’s trying to find the words to tell me to leave? I can’t imagine him doing that, but I know how women can affect men. Instead of allowing their brains to take charge, they sometimes allow their dicks to make important decisions.

Everyone knows Mia has him by the balls—which makes me even more uneasy about the situation. I’m hoping Drew is stronger than that and he doesn’t ask me to move; but if he does, I’ll go. The thought makes me so fucking sad. It’ll tear my heart from my chest because he’s one of my best friends, and I care so much about him. I love being his roommate. It’s the first place that’s really felt like home since I moved here from Texas. I know my best friend, and I know he’s not happy, whether he’ll admit it or not. Sometimes he’s too proud to talk about how he feels, especially when it comes to her.