“You promise? I’m the only woman for you?”

I move toward her and pull her into my arms. “Yes, I promise. You’re the only woman I want.” I pull her close, and before my lips touch hers, I tell her how much she means to me.


Mia doesn’t want Drew unless someone else does. If she feels slightly threatened, she’ll do whatever she can to make sure he doesn’t move on. It’s happened so many times over the last few years it’s almost sickening. At one point, Drew considered going on a date with someone who worked dispatch, but as soon as Mia found out, she freaked out and immediately wanted him back. And what did he do? He took her back, so they could work it out—again. And again. And again.

I walk into my room, and I can hear them arguing through the thin walls as if I’m standing right beside them. I roll my eyes and change into some workout clothes. I need to go for a run before my brain explodes. Before leaving, I hear her say my name like it’s poison. Once she sees me in nothing but a sports bra and the smallest shorts I have, she’ll really lose her shit. Perfect.

I’m sure she wouldn’t care if Drew lived with some slob. She wouldn’t care if I were ugly or had a third head. But since I’m not any of those things, she’s intimidated and always has been. I think it’s hilarious because our relationship is so platonic and harmless. Since we’ve become roommates and besties, I’ve tried to be nice to her, include her in on things, and each time it’s a disaster. The girl doesn’t have a nice bone in her body.

I grab my headphones and cell phone before heading out the door. After running three miles, I decide to turn around and run back. Before I walk back in, all sweaty and out of breath, I hope whatever argument they were having is over. It’s a nonstop rollercoaster that I’m not waiting in line for.

Hardly able to catch my breath as I walk toward my room, I realize how much better I feel. All my frustration with Drew and wedding stress has almost vanished. Once I turn the corner, I see Mia exiting the bathroom, and she looks me up and down then gives me a death glare. She’s totally not amused with me or my choice of clothes.

“Bitch,” she whispers under her breath as she passes me and then she hits me hard with her shoulder. I’m actually shocked she brought it to that level.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she says sarcastically, covering a hand over her mouth when I slightly stumble before I gain my footing.

My jaw is clenched as tight as my fists. Being the polite little Southern girl I am, I’ll never throw the first punch regardless if provoked, but that doesn’t stop my mouth from running. Taking a few steps forward, I’m getting ready to tell her exactly what I think of her skank ass and before I can spew out a single cuss word, Drew walks down the hallway toward Mia. He places his hands around her waist, but she ignores his touch as usual.

“Everything okay, babe?”

“Yeah, fine.” She glares back at me as I rub the shoulder she hit pretty hard.

Without a doubt, she wanted me to act out, and it’s eating her alive right now that I didn’t. He glares at me, and I put on a big smile because this time I’m actually innocent. Somehow, I hold back what I really want to say and wait. I won’t let her see me lose my shit in front of him because it’s childish, and I won’t let her win.

She groans before walking past him with an attitude. He glances back at her then looks me up and down before narrowing his eyes at me.

“Are you being rude again?”

“No. Not this time.” I turn away from him, not waiting for a response and walk to my room. Honestly, I pity her for being so jealous of the relationship that Drew and I have because she has him in ways I only dream about. It’s sad that he’s traveling down a dirty road with her that leads straight to Heartacheville. If only I could help him see he’s brainwashed by her fake tits, hair extensions, and spray tan, but I’m pretty sure it’s hopeless because he’s too committed. When I hear her voice raised again, I realize I need to find my escape for the night, so I text Viola.

C: I need a distraction. Can you break away for an hour?

V: I’m exhausted. Get your cheesecake to go and come over.

C: You’ve already got your pajamas on, don’t you?

V: You know me too well. I’m sure Kayla is free and it will only be carby temptation for me. Text her!