Once the awkward lunch from hell is over, and Blake not-so-subtly threatens my position at the firm, I make a little detour before heading home. Since it’s Wednesday, Viola will be over tonight, and I’m going to have to use all the willpower I don’t have to keep my eyes and hands off her.

Knowing that Viola leaves for Boston in just a month, I want to give her a going-away gift that will ensure she comes back to me. I know that’s selfish on my part, but I’ve been waiting ten years for the girl of my dreams, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure I don’t lose her again.

I’ve been thinking about it the last couple of weeks, and I found just the right one for her.

After picking up the gift, I arrive back home, fortunately before Drew, so he doesn’t question me.

V: I’m heading over soon. Is the coast clear?

I read Viola’s text and immediately send one back. I can’t wait to see her.

T: Yes. Get your ass over here. I have a surprise.

V: What kind of a surprise? Should I bring my wand?

I smile at her response.

T: I’ll be the one with the wand, princess ;)

V: Let’s hope you know how to use that thing before you break it :)

I shake my head at her response, loving her filthy mouth.

T: Was that really necessary? Low blow, princess.

V: Sorry, King. Sometimes you have to pay the price of being a smartass.

I set my phone down and get her gift ready, so she sees it when she first walks in. I know she’s going to lose her mind.

Hearing Viola’s car pull into the driveway, I immediately greet her at the door. She smiles, and I press my lips to hers before she even has a chance to speak.

“Well, hi,” she says, gasping for air.

“Hi.” I smile in return. “I have something waiting for you.”

I lead her into the house and down the hallway to my bedroom. “Are you ready?”

“Nothing’s going to pop out at me, is it?” She pulls back slightly, and I wrap a hand around her neck and pull her lips to mine again.

“No, unless you’re into that kind of thing.” I wink at her, and she holds back a smile.

“You have no shame.” She chuckles against my mouth.

I softly kiss her lips once more and pull back slightly as I open my bedroom door.

Stepping out of her way so she can walk in, she immediately gasps and runs to the bed, where an eight-week-old puppy is wiggling with excitement, anxiously waiting for her to pick him up.

“Oh, my God!” she screams—her excitement addicting as I follow behind her. “You got a puppy?” She picks him up and holds him close to her chest. “He’s so sweet!” She rubs his fur against her cheek.

I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her into me. “I got you a puppy.”

Her eyes widen as she looks up at me. “What? Why? I mean, I can’t have a puppy in the dorms. What about when I leave?” Her bottom lip trembles, and I can tell she’s not getting my whole point.

“He’s going to live here with me until you come back.”

“He is?”

“Yes.” I smile confidently. “That way I know you’ll come back. I know you can’t resist puppies.”

She chuckles, rubbing the length of her chin along his face. “So he’s collateral? I don’t come back, and you get to keep the puppy?”

“I don’t want to keep the puppy, princess. I just want you.”

She tilts her head and narrows her eyes. “You have me. Regardless of being gone for six months, I’m not going anywhere. We’ll still text and Skype, and I’ll call you every night. I’ll be back before we know it.” Her words are reassuring, but I can’t help but notice the tone in her voice isn’t as certain.

“Well then, think of him as a thank you gift.”

She repositions him on her chest and soon his eyes are closing as he rests his head on her shoulder.

“A thank you gift for what?”

I brush my fingers through her hair and look her in the eyes. “For taking care of me and making sure I was fed and properly cleaned.”

“Oh, yes. Those showers were a terrible inconvenience for me.” She smiles and presses little kisses to the puppy’s cheeks.

“So what do you want to name him?”

We sit down on the edge of the bed and take a good look at him. He has fluffy golden fur and dark, beady eyes.

“He looks like a Gryffindor to me. Gryff for short.”

I throw my head back and laugh. Of course, she’d give him a Harry Potter name. I rub my hand along his back as he rests peacefully on Viola’s lap. “Sorry, little guy. We didn’t stand a chance on giving you a more manly name, but I’ll be sure all the single ladies know you’re macho and badass.”