“I wouldn’t mind waking up to this every day.” I offer a smile, and she blushes.

She swallows hard. We’re alone at last, and she notices it, too.

“I’m baking banana bread. Thought you might be hungry for something besides Jell-O.” She pulls in her bottom lip before releasing it and flashing a small smile.

There’s a shift between us, and I can tell she feels it as well. No longer at each other’s throats, the sexual tension is more intense than ever before.

“Starving,” I reply, gently pushing off the wall and walking toward her.

She licks her lips as she watches my every step. I cup her face and press a soft kiss on her lips. Her breath hitches as she anticipates more, but I don’t give in. “How’d you sleep?”

She blinks. “Uh, fine, but Drew’s bed is way more comfortable than my dorm bed. You?” She turns and shuts off the stove before sliding the pan from the burner.

“Like shit, but at least the pain meds helped knock me out for a few hours.”

She turns and offers a sincere smile. “Well, good thing the only items on your agenda today are to eat and rest.”

“Oh, don’t forget my daily required lap dance.”

She points a finger at me, trying to act strong. “Breaking the rules before breakfast?”

“Rules? What rules?” I tease, knowing it’ll get her riled up and maybe she’ll loosen up a bit.

“You know exactly which rules I’m talking about. The ones we discussed when we had our little chat in your bed yesterday morning.”

“You were in my bed yesterday? We had a discussion?”

“Yes, after you got home from the hospital.” She looks at me, waiting for me to tell her I remember. She sighs. “Quit playing.” Her shoulders tense, and she’s staring intently at me.

“Viola, I’m sorry, but I don’t remember talking to you yesterday morning. I was on a ton of painkillers when I left the hospital. The last thing I remember is Drew waking me up sometime in the afternoon and saying he went grocery shopping.”

She studies me, waiting to see if I’ll crack. “Then why’d you kiss me just now?”

I shrug. “Habit, I guess. Gorgeous girl in my kitchen baking seems like it requires a morning kiss.”

“Are you freaking kidding me right now?” I can see her lips trembling, and I know I’m going straight to hell for this.

“What? Why’d you kiss me back?” I try my damnedest to keep my stance, but the fire brewing in her eyes is just too fucking much to keep my stance. She sees me cracking, my lips fighting the smile that soon appears.

Realization sets in and soon there’s a wooden spoon pointing right in front of my face. “I’m going to murder you!” she says between gritted teeth.

I burst out in laughter, taking a step back to avoid her murder weapon.

“You don’t mean that.” I flash her a charming smile, and she glares at me in return.

I watch as she pours the mixture into a bread pan, carefully scraping the bowl and leveling the batter out evenly.

I’m grateful Drew bought food for the week, but I’d much rather wake up to Viola baking in my kitchen.

She grabs a coffee cup from the counter and sips it.

“You went to Starbucks and didn’t bring me anything?” I arch a brow, knowing damn well I don’t drink her fancy lattes and whatever.

She glares while flashing a crooked smile. “No. Drew’s paying for my services.”

“All it takes is Starbucks?” I smirk. “Duly noted.”

She playfully rolls her eyes at me, and I laugh. The oven beeps and she places the bread pan inside, which gives me a nice view of her ass as she bends over.

She notices and immediately frowns. “No mischief,” she warns.

“I never agreed to that.”

“I’m here to help you with your recovery, and that’s all,” she states in a firm tone, but I don’t believe a word of it. I know her way too well. She’s only saying it aloud to convince herself.

“You’re the worst liar I’ve ever met.”

She furrows her brows, keeping a safe distance from me, knowing damn well that if I were able, I’d show her exactly what I mean.

“How is it that you bruise your ribs and get all cut up, and you’re still unable to behave yourself?”

I step toward her, trying to ignore the pain in my rib cage, and wrap my arms around her waist. She watches my every move, her breath hitching the closer I lean into her. My lips brush against hers, tasting the sweet coffee flavor against mine.

I hear her groan as I deepen the kiss, but pull away before going any further.

“Nothing could come between my lips and your body, princess. Bruised ribs or not, I’ll suffer through just to be close to you.”

She smiles up at me, but it’s soon replaced with a frown. “I bet you were the worst patient ever.”