“Oh, look. It took you less than thirty seconds to latch onto another guy,” Will yells. “Enjoy her, dude. She’s as easy as she looks.”

“Screw you, motherfucker!” she shouts, and it takes me a moment to recognize the guy she’s screaming at. Will Tamer.

“All right, man. That’s enough. Just go. I’ll make sure she gets back safely.”

He laughs. “Don’t fucking care.”

I see red again at the way he’s yelling at her; it takes every ounce of my being to keep my feet planted on the ground. The way he’s treating her is way too reminiscent of how my father treated my mother all those years. Regardless of how much of a bitch Mia’s been to Drew, I’m not okay with any guy talking to a woman like that.

“She’s just another typical attention whore. Just wanted to use me as a way to get her fifteen minutes of fame.”

“Oh right, Will, because a sex tape is so unusual today. That’s exactly what I was doing because I definitely didn’t sleep with you for your three-inch dick. Would be such a shame for the entire world to know that the only thing Will Tamer is packing is sugar-free gum and expired condoms.”

“Mia,” I hiss, warning her to shut her mouth. The sooner he leaves, the sooner I can get her out of here.

“What did you say, bitch?” He takes a step toward us, ready to get in her face, but I don’t care who he is, there’s no way I’m letting him touch her. The vile way he’s talking to her makes my fists clench.

“Just let it go, man.” I hold my hand up, blocking Mia behind me. “She runs her mouth a lot, but she’s harmless.” I try to diffuse the situation. The last thing I need is to get into another fight, but he’s not taking the bait.

“Fuck off, little mama’s boy.” He pushes a finger directly into my chest, and now I’m seething. Will Tamer isn’t someone I’d want to fight on one of my best days. He’s a world champion fighter, and he’s built like a fucking rock. Everyone in Northern California knows about Will Tamer, and only a dumbass would throw the first punch.

“Mia, go back inside,” I say, keeping my eyes locked on him. He’s a ticking time bomb.

“But Travis…” she argues.

“Go,” I say firmer. “Get inside.”

“I’d listen to your new little fuck toy if I were you,” Will tells her, stretching his arms out in front of his chest and cracking his knuckles. “Unless you want to get blood on your fake designer shoes.”

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. He could snap me like a twig in less than two seconds. I work out and lift weights, but there’s absolutely no comparison. His biceps are as big as my head.

She gasps. “They aren’t fake!”

“Jesus Christ, Mia!” I snap. “Get in the fucking diner.”

“We have some unresolved issues to discuss,” Will’s voice is thick with amusement. He obviously gets a rush from fighting, in or out of the ring.

We both stay standing as we hear her shoes click against the pavement as she heads back inside. I don’t want to fight this guy, or rather, get pummeled into the ground, but somehow I welcomed myself in her damn mess.

“Before you assume anything, Mia’s just a friend…”

He takes a step closer.

“She was actually my best friend’s girlfriend. So, whatever your tiff with her is, let’s just drop it. She’s a hot mess even on her best days.”

“You think I care about any of that shit?” He steps forward again. “She took a video of us, and unless she gives it back, it’s your face I’m going to be punching in.”

“Okay, I’ll tell her to give it back.”

“It’s on her cell. I want it.”

“All right. No problem.”

“You have five minutes. She either gives it back, or I crush your skull.”

Fuck, and I thought I had anger issues. He’s on a totally different spectrum.

I pinch my lips together and slowly take a step back toward the diner again. Once I’m inside, I grab Mia and tell her his demands.

“I need it, Mia. Just hand it over, and you can get another one.”

“I don’t have it!” She crosses her arms. “I’ve been telling him that for the past thirty miles.”

“Where the hell is it?”

She shrugs. “Somewhere on I-50 between Riverton and Cedar Grove. I threw it out the car window.”

I inhale sharply, brushing my hand through my hair and turn slightly to see he’s watching our every move.

“Why the hell did you do that?” Now I’m annoyed.

“Because he was being an asshole! He kept telling me to give it to him, so I said ‘fine, go get it,’ and then threw it out the window.”

“Fuck, Mia,” I hiss under my breath.

“Well, I didn’t know he was going to lose his shit over it.”