“Damn,” is all I have to offer, taking a large drink. “Sorry, man.”

He shrugs like it’s nothing, but I can see the pain written all over him. “Whatever. I guess the space will be good for us, but damn, we’ve just spent most of her semester apart.”

“You think she’s been seeing someone else?” I ask, prolonging the time before he walks down the hallway.

He crosses his arms over his chest and his eyes follow the length of the counter top. “Not sure. It’s possible, I guess. We’re apart more than we’re together.”

I give him a sympathetic look, unsure of what else to say. I’m too distracted in my thoughts when I realize Drew’s walked over to where he left his bag and picks it up, hauling it over his shoulder.

“Uh, whatever, I guess. I’ll just crash on the couch until Viola wakes up.”

My chest relaxes as I walk behind him to the living room. He drops his bag again and kicks his shoes off. “To be honest, I’m surprised you’re still here.” He chuckles, undoing his jeans and pulling them down. “I figured Vi would’ve kicked you out on your ass by now.”

I laugh lightly, relieved. “She’s tried, trust me.”

He laughs again with me, sprawling himself out on the couch with a throw pillow. “She’ll come around, I’m sure. Either that or I’ll have to separate you two with a switchblade.”

I pinch my lips together, hoping he can’t see the evidence on my smug face.

“Well, get some sleep. I gotta be up in a few,” I say, turning away to hide my smile.

“See you later.”

I walk back down the hall with a rush of urgency, needing to get a plan together stat. Viola needs to get back into Drew’s room without waking him up.

Except when I get back into my room, Viola is passed out cold with the sheet wrapped around her torso. She’s all twisted in my bed and as much as I want to pull her body to mine, I have to somehow wake her up.

“Viola,” I whisper next to her ear. Her breath is steady and relaxed. “Viola,” I whisper again, louder. “You have to get up.”

“Hmm?” She moans, barely flitching. I start to uncover her slowly, knowing she’s naked and I’m going to have to restrain myself.

“Travis…” Her voice comes out in a plea.

“Your brother is here,” I explain. “You need to get up and go into his room before he realizes you aren’t there.”

Her eyes shoot open, and I see the horror on her face. “What?”

I cover her mouth with my hand and shush her. “He got into a fight with Mia and she sent him packing.”

She groans, digging her head deeper into the pillow. “I can’t stand her,” she mumbles and rolls over.

“Come on, you have to get up.”

“I don’t think I can feel my limbs,” she says with a hint of humor.

I smile, knowing damn well I worked her body good. “Well, you’re going to have to try anyway. The last thing I need is him catching you in here and busting my balls for days.”

She finally starts to rise, pulling the sheet back up over her chest. “Because you’re embarrassed to admit you slept with his nerdy sister?” Her voice is condescending, and I can’t tell if she’s being her typical smartass or if she’s truly offended I asked her to leave.

“What? No. I just don’t want his fist in my face.”

She stands up and wraps the sheet around her body, searching for any remaining clothes on the floor. “Whatever, Travis. I’ll gladly leave your sex lair. Wouldn’t want to taint your name or anything.”

She reaches for the door before I can stop her. Viola turns and looks at me and smiles. I can’t run after her with Drew in the living room as much as I want to. We both know exactly why Drew can’t find out, at least not right now. He’s going through whatever it is he’s going through with Mia but also he’s made it very clear he’d never approve of me being with his sister, although up until a week ago, that was never even a possibility.

I look back at the clock and realize my alarm will be going off in less than three hours. I brush my hands down my face, beyond exhausted. In fact, this has been the most exhausting and draining week of my life.

But I can’t say I’d change being with Viola for anything.


I hear rattling coming from outside my door, startling me awake from my dreams. Remembering them being about Travis. Of course. I roll my eyes, sounding like such a cliché. Dreaming about a guy and even wishing he was still laying in bed with me.

“Viola, you awake?” I hear more pounding and realize Drew’s knocking. It takes me a second to remember that he came back home early this morning, so now he’ll probably want his space back.