“Did you know he was here?” I stop and ask her. Now I feel like it was a giant setup. I should’ve known better, known this was another one of Courtney’s antics.

All she does is giggle, giving herself away. “You’re both your own worst enemy. But I love you, Lola. Not in the girl on girl kind of way though.” She giggles again, alcohol lingering on her breath. “I mean, if you ever wanted—”

“Oh, God,” I interrupt before she can continue her rambling any longer. “You’re ridiculous.” I’m annoyed at her, but she leans in and gives me a hug anyway.

“I’ll see you later, okay? I’ve got a designated driver. I’ll be fine. Make it right.” Courtney wiggles her little butt onto the dance floor and waves bye to me as I walk out the door, seething. All I can do is shake my head. Once the cool breeze hits my face, I finally feel like I can breath again. I walk toward my car, my mind reeling and my body still screaming from being with Travis earlier. God. If only he would’ve listened to me and let me explain myself. This is all a giant fucking mess.

“Viola,” Travis yells across the parking lot.

“Do you ever go away?” I sigh as I unlock my car, but he catches up to me before I can open the door. I can smell the whiskey on his breath as he comes closer.


“You’re not driving like this, Travis. Regardless of how mad I am at you right now.”

“Mad at me? For what exactly, princess? If I remember correctly, you were the one going on a date. Not me.”

“For fuck’s sake, Travis. This is just like the Anthony thing all over again.”

“Andrew,” he corrects me again.

I sigh. “Gah, whatever. The point is that you can do whatever you want, but the moment I go out with someone you act like this. Make up your mind. You don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else to have me either? That’s bullshit. I’m tired of your double standards. My heart isn’t disposable. It’s not the first time your words have hurt me like that and now I’m making sure it’s the last.”

He looks at me, his expression blank. I take the opportunity to slip inside the car. I roll down the window and watch as he stands there with his hands in his pockets.

“Get in. I’m taking you home.” I snort to myself. “Funny I’m saying that considering it’s the exact opposite of what you told me earlier.”

Travis leans down, crossing his arms against my window frame, his face uncomfortably close, to mine. “I need my car for work in the morning. Unless you plan to be my personal chauffeur?” The corner of his lips turn up in amusement.

“Fine. Give me your keys then.” I hold my hand out in front of him. “You can’t drive like this.”

He chuckles and dangles the keys in my face. “I don’t think you can handle it.”

I groan. “You’re such a child.”

“That’s not what you were saying earlier.”

“If I can handle you, I can handle your precious car,” I say, forcefully snatching the keys out of his hand. I roll up the window and slam my car door shut before locking it. I don’t wait for him before I head toward his car. I unlock the Challenger and climb inside the driver’s seat as he slips into the passenger seat.

“Buckle your seatbelt. I won’t be held responsible if the Travis King gets a boo-boo.” I shake my head and push down the clutch before I snap it into first. It’s a smooth take off and before I know it I’m going over sixty. The engine screams for me to push it to its limits, but I don’t. I look in the rearview mirror and see the backseat and exhale deeply.

“Viola, I’m sorry. I should’ve never treated you like that. I’m a fucking asshole. And when you say I don’t want you . . .”

I pull into the driveway and shut off the engine. I hand him his keys and get out of the car. As much as I want to hear what he has to say, I know it’s better to leave it where it is. I walk into the house and kick my shoes off by the door. Travis walks in and takes off his suit jacket and throws it over the back of the couch.

I should just let it go for now, walk away, and take the high road.

But I can’t.

“You know, Travis, that’s an apology I’ve been waiting on for years.” I walk to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water from the fridge. He stands in the doorway with his shirt completely unbuttoned. I force myself to look away from his abs and how his pants sit haphazardly on his hips.