As soon as I blink my eyes open I feel my muscle ache, reminding me exactly what happened last night. I reach back with my hand and rub over the bruise on my shoulder. It’s tender to the touch, but nothing major. I know it’ll be visible if I wear my swimsuit this weekend up at the cabin, so I make a mental note to come up with an excuse beforehand. Tripping and banging into things isn’t really farfetched from my norm, so as long as Drew doesn’t suspect anything, all should be fine.

The more I think about Travis and what we did last night, the more I begin to mentally freak out. I still don’t believe what happened. The electricity of him and I together streams through my body. It’s a low hum and as much as I try to ignore it, I can’t. Even after I force myself to study into the afternoon, I can’t get the feeling out of my body. I’ve read the same sentence over and over. Each time I close my eyes, I see him hovering over me—fucking me like he owns me, like I’m one of his whores—and while I love it, I also hate it. It’s so frustrating.

Needing a distraction, I decide to text Courtney and ask how she’s doing, but she doesn’t respond, which can only mean she’s too busy with all her hot cowboy friends.

I walk around the house, feeling his hands and lips with every step I take. Finally, I force myself to sit down because I can’t take it any longer. My body is aching, desperate to feel it all again. The sex was everything I’ve imagined it would be with him. Girls at my school hadn’t exactly kept it a secret of how good he was and how they craved more, but he wasn’t as willing for a round two. He didn’t get his reputation as a sex god for nothing. And the bastard knows it.

However, it can’t happen again. No matter how much I really want it to, I know it wouldn’t end well. I can’t separate my emotions to justify a fuck-buddies kind of relationship. The fact that he’s Drew’s best friend makes it complicated enough. But I’m only halfway regretting I let it happen. I know him well enough to know his history. It’d be better for my emotional wellbeing to get out while I can, before I get hurt by him again. Having zero expectations is the only way I’d come out of this alive. I’m just another notch on his bedpost. Before he can crush me, I have to consider him as nothing more than a check on my to-do list.

Hello player, meet the game.

I grab a bottle of water and sit on the couch right as my phone dings with a text.

It’s Drew. Oh shit. If he finds out, he’ll flip his shit.

What the hell? I stare at his message for a minute.

My heart drops. Does he know? Did Travis tell him? I would deny it until the day I died.

What’s your problem? I send back.

What the hell happened to you last night? Did you fall and get a concussion that would cause you to bring a random dude back to the house?! I’m just glad Travis was there to protect you.

I roll my eyes, knowing he doesn’t even know the half of it.

I’m grown, Drew. You can’t protect me from the penis forever.

If he only knew what was really happening while he was away. It just confirms that he must never find out. I’d feel horrible if their friendship of over ten years was jeopardized because of me.

We’ll see about that. Excited to see you guys Friday! No more company in the house, you hear?

Does that go for your slutty roommate, too? I have to remember to act the exact same as I normally do or he’ll suspect something.

I don’t have control over that one, sorry.

So how’s the Future Mrs. Fisher doing? I tease him because I know Mia’s been pushy about it and Drew isn’t ready for that yet.

That’s not even remotely funny.

I chuckle to myself, not even feeling bad after all the shit he’s given me.

So I guess not so good? ;)

Things are fine.

I drop the conversation and lay my head back on the couch. I take a deep breath and before I can even exhale, my phone dings again.

This time it’s Travis.

He thinks he’s funny and that he’s going to win this little battle we have going on, whatever the hell it is. Either way, I’m not claiming defeat, no matter what he does or says.

Flashbacks to my thirteenth birthday come surfacing and the memories of how Travis’ gift changed everything.

Spending alone time with mom and dad was becoming a rare occasion with everyone’s busy schedules, but for my birthday we all went out to a movie and stopped for a late lunch afterwards. My mom had even taken me shopping the day before to get some new clothes, so when we arrived back home, I headed up to my room to try them all on again.