She thinks she’s won, but the fun is only beginning.


I can’t believe Travis just walked out here with my vibrator, all cocky and hell bent on embarrassing me. I’ll deny it till the day I die, but I was so distracted by how sated I felt, that I completely forgot it afterwards. Knowing how well he can work me up, Travis King and a vibrator can only mean dangerous things—dangerous things and dangerous thoughts.

I finish reading my chapter and when my phone vibrates, I see I have messages from Jason and Courtney. I smile as soon as I read her message. You’re missing out on all the hot cowboys. I’ve already been proposed to twice.

I’ve missed her since she left. Had I known the circumstances that I know now, I would’ve changed my mind.

I type out a response. I wouldn’t mind if you brought one home for me. However, with my current track record, maybe don’t. I’d just scare them off.

I glance over at Travis who’s made himself comfortable in the chair next to me. After he dressed, he brought all his work shit out here and started looking over his laptop. Aside from his basketball shorts and junkie t-shirt, he looks all business. I can still smell the fresh scent of his shower on him and it’s consuming my senses as I try to stay focused on hating him.

You mean staying with Travis isn’t helping your dating life? Her next message reads, and I can hear the sarcasm dripping from her mouth.

Travis lost his shit when I went out with Jason. I hit send, quickly looking up to see if Travis can tell I’m talking about him. He’s barely flinched, so I know he’s completely zoned into whatever he’s working on.

I pretend I’m reading on my phone as I wait for her to respond. She’s knows all about Travis since last summer she flew back and visited me for a couple weeks. I always stay with Drew, but Travis and I have always had a mutual agreement to not be around each other anymore than we had to. Not much time has passed, and I’m already in hell.

That’s because he so obviously wants you. I can even tell you that from all the way over here!

No, he’s hellbent on ruining my life.

Well, the offer still stands. Could book a flight and be here by tomorrow!

I wish.

I can’t. I already promised Drew and Mia I’d go to Lake Tahoe this weekend.

Did you really have to mention that bitch’s name?

I chuckle, anticipating that exact reaction. She’s had a crush on Drew since the first day she met him, four years ago. Drew’s a good-looking guy, a police officer, but he’s clueless to how he affects girls. Unlike Travis, he doesn’t think he’s God’s gift to the women population.

LOL, sorry.

I want to hear about all the juicy details when I get back!

Trust me, there’ll be no details to give.

I highly doubt that. Mwah!

I sigh and roll my eyes. Courtney always knows how to brighten my mood, even if it’s at her expense. I click back to my messages and read over Jason’s.

Any chance you’d be interested in joining me for a Battle of the Bands Wednesday night? I promise it’s not as lame as it sounds.

I’m a little surprised he’s asking me out again. I figured Travis would’ve scared him off and if it wasn’t for the way he looked at me as if he wanted to eat me for dessert, I’d be giddy as fuck for his invitation. But Jason doesn’t make me feel anything. There’s no spark. However, it’d get me out of the house for the night and give me more ammunition against Travis.

Since I’m not in the business of using guys and leading them on, I tell Jason the truth. If I’m going to get back at Travis for his stunt with my vibrator, it might as well be testing his jealousy limitations.

I’d love to go! But I have to tell you it’d just be as friends. You cool with that?

Even if he does agree to just be friends, Travis doesn’t have to know that. In fact, I think I’ll even make a trip to the mall beforehand for some essentials.

Honestly, I’m glad you mentioned that. I was thinking the same thing, so I’m glad we’re on the same page. You’re a cool chick to hang with and if I can avoid Drew’s foot in my ass, I’d rather take that route.

I let out a nervous giggle and send him back a smiley emoji.

Pick you up around seven.

Sounds good! See you then.

“Fucking piece of shit!” Travis’ deep roar makes me jump and for a split-second, I forgot he was here. “The hell you work this thing?” His fingers are furiously stabbing the keyboard.

“You mean it’s not doing exactly what you say even after you sweet-talked it?”