After heading back to Drew’s room, I fold down the blankets on the bed and slide under the covers. I chuckle when I feel the smooth fabric because I know Drew really did change the sheets for me.

I can’t concentrate at all. My book is flagged with important chapters for my test tomorrow and I’ve already been through the study guide three different times. I have it memorized verbatim. I try to read the words but they seem to bleed off the pages. I rest my book on my chest and replay every moment from the bathroom to the living room.

Heat rushes to my cheeks as I realize Travis saw my bare ass. Oh my God. I can’t help but shake my head at my bravery because I’m not really sure where it came from. I hope the image of my best assets burns into his retinas. Take that, King Douche.

The doorbell rings and my heart drops. It’s Travis’ victim for the night, and as much as I hate to admit, a pang of jealousy rushes through me. She laughs at something and sounds like a dying hyena. I roll my eyes, thinking about how she must believe she has a chance at changing him. He’s obviously into it just for the sex—just like every other girl he hooks up with—and she’s probably stupid enough to think it’ll lead to something more.

Travis doesn’t do relationships, lady. Run for the hills. I roll my eyes, the sound of her high-pitched giggle grating on my nerves. The low rumble of his voice rings in my ear but I can’t quite make out what he’s saying. It’s followed by the click of his bedroom door, which is next to Drew’s.

I seriously cannot lay here as he fucks some skank next door. The walls are so thin, I can hear everything. After another minute, her muffled moans become more audible and it makes me physically ill.

Fuck this.

And fuck Travis King.

I throw the blankets off my body and immediately start pacing the room. I shake my head and try to think of something. Travis started this little game and I’m not backing down. He wants to play and it’s on.

I step out of Drew’s room and knock on Travis’ door. I hear the bimbo still giggling and Travis speaking, so I bang my fist even harder.

“Go away!” he shouts and my blood boils even more. He doesn’t want to follow the rules of the game, then fine. I’ll bite.

“Goddammit, Travis! Are you sneaking around behind my back again?” I jiggle the doorknob, threatening to walk in.

“What the hell?” I hear the woman ask.

“It’s my roommate’s little sister,” Travis responds, as if that’d be explanation enough for her. I hate how he insinuates the word ‘little’, as if I’m less of a woman. She’ll figure it out since I’m about to go all crazy ex-girlfriend on his ass.

I twist the knob and let myself in. They’re both naked, just a thin sheet covering them.

“I thought we would be alone tonight?” She looks to Travis confused but he’s staring at me, studying my body from head to toe, knowing how it aggravates me when he looks at me like that. He doesn’t acknowledge she spoke and actually ignores the question completely. I almost feel bad for interrupting but Travis doesn’t seem to mind as he smirks and places his hands behind his head, almost as if he’s enjoying the scene. This is not going how I imagined, but he has no idea what evil plan I have in store. I suck in a deep breath with hopes to adlib an Oscar-worthy performance.

“Actually, I’m his girlfriend,” I explain, my eyes watering right on schedule. “I can’t believe you’re doing this to me again, Travis! How could you?” I scream, my face heating up. Thank god for that semester of theater courses I took freshman year before I changed to business.

I know I’m not as good as I was back then, but I must be believable enough since Sarah From The Bar jumps up and grabs her clothes. I suck in a deep breath, not standing down, and the smirk that covered his face just a few moments before is replaced with a look of disbelief as Sarah puts on her skank suit. His jaw clenches and I know this can’t be good, but I’m too caught up in reveling in victory–booty call has officially been cancelled.

“Tonight was obviously a mistake,” Sarah rushes out in a panic. I barely have enough time to shift out of her way as she rushes past me. Travis doesn’t try to explain the truth and he sure as hell doesn’t chase after her, though I’m sure he’ll be able to smooth it over without any issue. It’s just an advantage of being Travis King.