Her eyes widen. “You’re taking that much with you?”

“Just the essentials. Clothes, my Harry Potter collection, textbooks, and a dozen other books I want to read over break.”

She chuckles, knowing I’m taking way more than just my necessary essentials.

“I don’t want to have to do more than one trip, so that’s why I need your help.” I smile sweetly.

She sighs. “Fine, but I have to run across campus and pick up some paperwork from the lab first, but it won’t take more than ten minutes. Plus, you know I’m a sucker for free coffee,” Ashley says, her lips pulling together in a smirk. “I’ve decided you’re getting me a Trenta instead, by the way.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

“That’s because you play to my weaknesses.”

“Only because you’re the best roommate ever. But please don’t tell the other ones I said that.”

She gives me a thumbs up before putting the ear buds back in and rocking out to some song I can’t make out because the beat is too fast and the lyrics are jumbling together. I plop down on the couch next to her and she moves her feet so I have more room. I lay my head back and stare at the ceiling until my vision blurs then I close my eyes. I hardly slept a wink last night and it’s beginning to catch up with me.

My five-minute cat nap is interrupted when my phone goes off. It’s a message from Drew. You know you’re the best little sister in the entire world right?

Clearly, Drew needs a favor, and after hearing he’s leaving this weekend, I’m not sure I feel like being much help. Actually when I think back on it, that was the restart of all of this drama with Travis. I had been able to avoid him otherwise.

What do you want? I text back, suspicious.

It beeps seconds later. I want you to know how much I love you and tell you how you’re the greatest and my most favorite sister ever.

I sit up on the couch and groan. I’m your only sister. So spill it.

Well, see Travis texted me and asked if I could bring him lunch again today because he’s super busy, but I’m stuck at work and can’t leave. He swears he won’t ask again for the rest of the year.

I immediately see red and my fingers can’t fly across the screen fast enough.


For someone who has his shit together, he needs to plan better. Bring a sandwich, make a protein shake, for fuck’s sake, take-out is always an option.

C’mon sis. It’s totally not like you to be like that when people are hungry. I sigh and close my eyes. Why must he do this to me?

It’s not happening, Drew. The sob story won’t work today. He can do delivery. And don’t ask me again. I know it’s harsh, but I don’t care.

Would Travis bring me lunch if I were starving and couldn’t leave? After I sit for a second, I feel a little guilty because even though I hate his guts and he doesn’t really care for mine, he would do it for me. I wait a few minutes then send a text back to Drew. Fine. He’s getting the most fattening meal I can buy or worse.

Thanks sis. I knew I could count on you. Love you! I’m tempted to text some colorful things back to him, but instead I get up, walk to the kitchen and throw something together, and then grab my car keys.

While I walk toward my car, I ask myself what the hell is wrong with me. Something inside tells me I should’ve stuck with my original response.



File folders are messily stacked on my desk, which is driving me fucking insane. But I’m more annoyed I have to work through lunch. Or rather, my ‘lunch’ with Alyssa.

Blake dumping his workload on me is a dick move. He’s threatened by the progress I’ve made since I started. He’s supposed to want me to do well, but I think if he thinks I do too well, I’ll end up taking his job. So he pretends to set me up for success when he’s waiting for me to fail. He might be right about me taking his job if he continues pulling this shit on me.

I’m lost in reading the reports when I hear my office door creak open. I pop my head up to see Alyssa.

I’m so not in the mood for her neediness right now.

“Yes?” I ask without looking directly at her. “I’m busy.”

“You stood me up,” she states, her tone sharp.

“Yeah, well…” I look up and see she’s standing directly in front of my desk, her tits on display. I swallow. “I’m on a tight deadline.”

“Too bad…” Her voice laced with seduction. “I could help you unwind.”