“It’s Friday. I don’t have to be at work until ten for a meeting. I can take Allie to Mrs. Locke’s so you’re not late.”

I let out a relieved breath. “Are you sure?”

He tucks loose strands of hair behind my ear, and I melt into his touch. “Absolutely. I owe Mrs. Locke a visit anyway. Plus, she always gives me a bag of cookies each time I visit.”

A laugh escapes me. “Maybe I should be offended because I’m not getting any cookies.” I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips against his, and the kiss immediately deepens. “Love you,” I say.

“Love you too,” he tells me as he slaps a hand against my ass. “Don’t forget the diaper bag and make sure Mrs. Locke doesn’t need anything. Oh and—”

“Babe. I’ve got this,” he says.

I nod and laugh. “You’re right. Okay. I’ll see you after work.”

“Have a good day,” he singsongs as I rush out of the apartment.

My heart is so damn full I can barely describe the way I feel. So much has happened in a year that I’m often pinching myself to make sure this is real life. Each time Hunter kisses me or holds me close, I know it is. Though I’ve had some horrible things happen, I’m happy where my life is now because there was a point when I didn’t think I’d be able to get up in the morning. I had no purpose, and I was nothing more than a shell of myself. Time can’t heal all wounds, but each day, it gets easier. I’ll always love Brandon, and I’ll forever be appreciative of the gift he gave me. After Alison was born, I realized that loving again doesn’t mean I’m trying to replace him. He loved me and Hunter so much, so I know deep in my heart he’d want us to be together.

By the time I get to school, it’s nearly time for class to start. The day is uneventful, and each grade practices the songs they’ll be performing for the spring concert. The kids are so adorable, and their parents will be thrilled.

After class is done, I check my phone and see a text from Sophie and one from Hunter. My thoughts go back to the night of Maddie’s birthday party and the night Hunter and I got together. After that, I knew they’d be completely over the moon when I told them about Hunter and me being official. The next morning, we did a three-way call, and when I told them about Hunter coming home and demanding I explain myself, they both said finally, but were definitely happy for us. Of course, I skipped all the NC-17 details, but they figured it out.

I sit in my car and decide to open Sophie’s text first. Ever since she moved in with Weston, I haven’t seen her as much lately, and I miss our time together. Between her busy work schedule and spending her free time with her boyfriend, it’s gotten harder to get together.

Sophie: Wanna meet at the grocery store after work? I need to pick up some things, plus I miss you!

Lennon: Yeah! When?

Sophie: I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes. See you soon!

I open my texts and read the one from Hunter, and I feel a ball lodged in my throat.

Hunter: I asked Mrs. Locke if she could keep Allie overnight so we can go on a proper date and she said yes! Get ready to be wined and dined my love.

I immediately call him.

“Hey you,” he says nonchalantly, but I know he’s smirking.

“What the fuck? She can’t stay overnight. I didn’t pack everything she needs. Hunter, she doesn’t have her favorite blanket or extra bottles or—”

“Lennon.” He chuckles. “I packed all that. Plus, Mrs. Locke knows how to take care of Alison. She’s super attentive to everything that little girl could possibly need. Take a deep breath, sweetheart. She’s going to be perfectly fine. And if something goes wrong, we’ll be the first one to get a call, but trust me that nothing is going to happen.”

My heart is racing, and I sit silent on the phone thinking about how unprepared I was for her to stay overnight. The last time she did, it took tons of planning. I had to make sure there was extra breast milk, diapers, and…the list goes on and on.

“Do you trust me?” he asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

“You know I do,” I say without hesitation.

“Then trust me. I have something fun planned for us. You deserve a night out.”

I let out a breath and try to calm down. “Well, Sophie wanted to meet me at the grocery store after work. Do I have time?”

“Yeah, I won’t be home until around six-ish to get you, so that works out perfect.” I can tell he’s smiling.