I was so proud for the way she stood up for herself. It was a long time coming, I knew that, but I know Lennon well enough to see how it’s affecting her. All she’s ever wanted is a family and for her parents to support her and be proud of her. From the stories her and her sisters have told, they grew up super close, not always agreeing with their overbearing parents’ rules but loving them nevertheless.

Lennon waits every day for a call from her parents, and each time, I know she’s disappointed. She doesn’t admit it, but I know it’s weighing on her. However, today is a special day, and I want to do everything I can to cheer her up.

“You ready, Baby Mama?” I tease as I peek into the bathroom where she’s still messing with her hair.

“Just about, Big Papa.”

I snort at the random nickname. “That’s a new one.”

“Hey, you started it with One Hump Llama.” She glares at me through the mirror.

Unable to hide my smile, I laugh and shrug. “Still funny.”

Lennon rolls her eyes, then unplugs her curling iron. “You’re worse than Maddie.”

“But you’re a cute llama. Can’t even tell you’re pregnant from this view.” I scan my eyes down to her ass, which is still lucious as ever.

Lennon clears her throat, forcing my attention back up before she turns and faces me. “I’m not carrying her down there.” She crosses her arms, which rest on top of her bump.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” I purse my lips, then lean back on my heels. “Time to go, or we’ll be late.”

Lennon sings to the radio as I drive us to the hospital for a tour of the baby floor. I’m not quite sure we need to spend an hour to see it all before she delivers, but Lennon was insistent, so here we are.

Once we’re signed in, we head to the fourth floor and meet with a few other couples also taking the tour. I already know they’re assuming we’re a happy couple, and when one woman asks when we’re expecting, neither of us bothers correcting her.

“December twenty-third,” Lennon says.

“Oh you two must be so excited for a Christmas baby!”

I wrap my arm around Lennon and pull her into my side. “We sure are,” I answer.

Lennon looks up at me with a curious smile. I flash her a wink, and she relaxes against me.

A woman named Jessie introduces herself and explains how the tour will work, and if we have any questions, now is the time to ask. She talks about birth plans and how having them set up with the doctor early on can be beneficial for both the mother and the baby. Even if the plans don’t go as expected, it’s good to know the options.

Just as she’s leading us down a long hallway, she tells us we’re waiting for one more couple to arrive, and she’ll get started as soon as they come.

“Did you make a birth plan with Dr. Potter yet?” I ask Lennon.

She looks at me with wide eyes and a nervous half-smile. “Uh…get the baby out safely?” She shrugs. “Considering I have five weeks left, I guess I better discuss it with her.”

I chuckle lightly. “Mission: Get baby out.”

“Easier said than done.” She groans. “I know I want Sophie and Maddie in the delivery room with me. I’m also pro pump all the drugs they can into me.”

Before I can respond, I see my worst nightmare behind Lennon, and everything inside me tenses. What the fuck?

And she’s not alone.

Lennon notices. “What is it? Your jaw is about to snap.”

I blink, look at her and shake my head. “Lennon, I’m so sorry.” This should to be a fun time for her, and now Jenna is going to ruin all of that. No way in hell she’ll keep her smartass comments to herself.

“Oh lookie, my baby daddy decided to show up after all. Wasn’t sure since you blocked my phone number.” Her tone is anything but sweet, and I know the others overheard.

“Cut your shit, Jenna,” I hiss between my teeth. “Quit causing a scene.”

“Better watch your mouth,” the guy standing next to her warns. He’s a big dude, whoever he is, but not bigger than me, so I stand taller and let him know his intimidation tricks won’t work.

“And who the hell are you?” I ask.

“This is my brother, Jacob,” Jenna says. “Since you’re here now, though—”

Lennon turns around and glares at her. “He’s here with me,” she tells her matter-of-factly.

Jenna’s face hardens as her eyes gaze down to Lennon’s belly. “Why? I already know he’s not the father of your child.” She folds her arms over her bump. “But I’m willing to bet you’re the reason he’s denying our baby boy? It’s her, isn’t it? Why you kept running…”