“And then we’ll—”

“Then nothing,” he said. “Kissing you will take at least the next sixty seconds.”

* * *

The sixty seconds passed, and then another and another. Tuck’s lips were firm, his body taut and his embrace was sturdy and sure. The fire brought a glow to her skin, and the heat of passion built inside her.

She knew they had to stop. But she didn’t want to stop. She didn’t want to step away from the cradle of Tuck’s arms or from the tendrils of desire weaving their way along her limbs. She decided she could risk a few more seconds, relish a few more moments of paradise.

They were both unattached, consenting adults. They could hug and kiss and generally test the limits of their endurance without bringing the world to a screeching halt. They were on a public patio, screened only by cactus plants and a latticework of vines. It wasn’t as if things could get too far out of hand. Could they?

Tuck broke the kiss and dragged in a strangled breath. He buried his face in the crook of her neck. His palms slid lower, cupping her rear, pressing her into the V of his legs. His body was firm and aroused. The realization should have worried her rather than thrilling her.

“What happens next?” he asked between labored breaths.

She knew she had to get herself under control. It was time to say no, time to remind them both of who they were, time to politely retreat to her room and regroup for tomorrow.

“I thought I knew,” she said instead.

“You don’t?”

“I do,” she said against his chest. “I should. I thought I did.”

He drew back just far enough to look at her. “You’re overthinking.”

“I’m underthinking.” If she was even contemplating letting things go further, she wasn’t giving it anywhere near enough thought.

“That sounds promising.”

“Tuck.” She sighed, leaning against his strength for one last moment.

“I have a marvelous room,” he responded, his voice rumbling deeply. “A huge bed, an enormous tiled shower and I bet room-service breakfast is fantastic. And I’m willing—no, eager—to share it all with you.” But then his hold on her loosened and his tone changed. He drew back even farther. “But when a woman has to debate this long about whether or not to make love, the answer is already there.”

She wanted to disagree. But he was right. And he was being such a gentleman about it.

It was chivalrous and admirable, and she was deeply disappointed. What had happened to the bold Tuck who’d stolen candies and sneaked out his bedroom window?

“You’re saying no.”

“I’m saying hell yes. But I don’t want you to regret anything. And you would.”

He was right again.

“You’re nicer than people think,” she said.

“I’m smarter than people think.”

“Is this you being smart?”

“Responsible. This is me being Dixon. I’ve always known he was the better man.”

“Yet you’re here. And he’s missing.”

“Life is full of ironies.”

She forced herself to take a step back, out of Tuck’s embrace. “I’m really sorry.”

He gave a self-deprecating shrug. “That you don’t want to sleep with me?”

“That I let things get away from me. I didn’t mean to lead you on.”

“I’d rather have the shot than not.” He reached out and smoothed her hair. “Kiss me any old time you like. And take it as far as you want. I can handle the disappointment. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be sure about what you want.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to agree. But she didn’t dare voice it. If she wasn’t careful, she would convince herself she wanted him now, right now.

“Don’t look so scared,” he said.

“This isn’t like me.”

“It’s called chemistry, Amber. It doesn’t have to mean anything.”

Her chest went hollow. Reality brought with it intense disappointment. “So you’ve felt this before? You’ve done this before?”

“All the time.”

And it meant nothing to him. Good that they’d cleared that up. Jade was right. Getting involved with the wrong man inevitably ended badly.

“I’ll never be sure.” Then she realized it sounded as though she was waffling. “I mean, I’m already sure. The answer is no, and it’s going to stay no. I’m here to work. I’m here to find Dixon. And that’s all. Full stop.”